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The Guides to Behavior Control and Hysteria
27/01/2010 15:59:35
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The Guides to Behavior Control and Hysteria
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For anyone who wishes to spot the next hysteria the playbook is known and easily spotted.


All you have to do is watch people.

Examining and analyzing behavior is the key to figuring out what people are trying to do to you. And make no mistake; there are large groups of people on this earth whose sole daily purpose is to rise each morning and continue their quest of doing something to you. Whether it be taking money away from you, telling you how to raise your children, what you can or can’t eat, where you can or can’t live, or what you can or can’t say, people want to control you.

They succeed because most of us have lives and an innate failure to recognize or accept the pure evil that resides in some people. It is hard for most of us to imagine or want to believe that there are those amongst us who want to control us or take things away from us or change our country, but it is true and it is obvious.

Most of those engaging in behavior control are doing so for one of only a few reasons:

1. They can’t stand, handle or accept that you make decisions that they don’t agree with or improve so they will do everything can to force you to behave and think exactly as they do.

2. They want more power for themselves and by establishing that they can tell you how to behave in certain areas, they begin the process of telling everyone how to behave all of the time.

3. They truly, honestly believe that you are too stupid to make decisions for yourself and you must be told, like a child, the difference between right and wrong.

Most causes bring together a large group of people from all three camps; the ant-smoking campaign is 1,2 and 3. The current hysteria over H1N1 is 2 and 3. Global warming? That’s 1,2, and 3 again. Gun control is 1,2 and 3 for sure. The campaign against obesity is mainly 1 and 3 although there’s an element of 2 in there as well. No matter what movement to restrict freedom you think of, support, or are a victim of, you will find that the motivations for all of them almost always reside in a combination of the three I have listed above.

I have recently touched on two of the playbooks used by behavior control Nazis; one defines how to ban something like smoking, guns, soda pop, etc and the other defines how you create a scared and hysterical public to further your own importance and/or make some money.

Let’s begin with any campaign against a currently accepted behavior like smoking, gun ownership, soda pop, SUV’s, wood burning fireplaces, outdoor barbeques, spanking of children, opinionated speech, etc. The campaign is long, devious and insidiously patient. For the people who want to control us, these are lifelong projects that they are willing to work on every day of their life and wait as long as have to for their ultimate outcome.

No project of behavior control has been more successful than the war on smoking, a totally legal behavior in America, so we will use that as a guide although with any of the examples above you can insert them below and find where the behavior control Nazis are in their process of trying to ban your chosen behavior:

1. Demonize the Behavior (smoking is bad…no one should want to inhale smoke…put a warning label on the packages immediately.)

2. Demonize the thing (people can’t help themselves because the nicotine in cigarettes is addictive. Poor people, they are victims)

3. Demonize the person (smokers are gross; they smell bad, they have yellow teeth, they are rude)

4. Tax and/or limit access to the behavior and/or thing (no smoking sections led to no-smoking states. It is almost impossible to smoke you $10 pack of cigarettes anywhere)

5. Ban the behavior and/or thing (make it illegal)

Clearly, the anti smoking crowd is just a tick away from step #5. A four decade long campaign to restrict your freedom of choice has almost been completed right before your eyes using their brilliant 5 step program. How close are they in other areas? Let’s look at gun control:

1. Demonize the Behavior (guns kill. No one needs a gun other than a cop, a military member or a legally licensed hunter)

2. Demonize the thing (guns go off accidentally and kill people)

3. Demonize the person (all gun owners are angry white men)

4. Tax and/or limit access to the behavior and/or thing (waiting periods, registration laws, limits on ownership quantities of ammo and weapons)

5. Ban the behavior and/or thing (make it illegal)

Uh-oh. Just a tick away.

Let’s move on to any campaign designed to scare you and make you more reliant on a certain group of people (usually the government) to protect you. The template involves four steps and the motivations can be profit or behavior control or both. For this exercise we’ll use both man-made global warming and Hog Flu (H1N1), although it also applies to past examples of SARS, bird flu, second-hand-smoke, child predators, Y2K, West Nile Virus, killer bees, and even recent salmonella scares.

1. Create or exaggerate a problem. (There’s a new strain of flu, just like there is every year, but let’s say this one is stronger…or…the earth has gotten warmer for a few years and we have no idea why, let’s say it’s a new trend that will turn us into a sun soon.

2. Create hysteria over something that you know is not a threat and wil never happen (The H1N1 virus is a pandemic that could kill millions upon millions if we don’t act…or…we have only ten years to reverse global warming or we will all die)

3. Claim that you have the answer to solving the problem that isn’t even a problem (would you like to buy our vaccine? Or…buy carbon credits, band SUVs and stop mining for coal and the earth will be fine).

4. When the threat, which never had a chance of being real, doesn’t materialize, claim victory that your contrived solution saved the day and be hailed a hero!

You are currently seeing step #4 played out before your very eyes as it relates to the Hog Flu. Despite overwhelming evidence now that it was never a real threat and even the revelation that doctors cannot tell the difference between H1N1 and the common cold, science and government re scrambling for the opportunity to lie to your face and claim victory.

On the issue of Global warming, they remain mired in step #3, fighting through monstrous American opposition and skepticism, but understand that they will never give up; they never do. People who need to control your behavior need to, by definition, control your behavior. It is their oxygen. They will continue to lie, cheat and steal their way to restricting your freedoms and telling you how to live. Keep an eye on them and push back as they move their way through the steps; it’s our only chance at victory.
Wine is sunlight, held together by water - Galileo Galilei
Un jour sans vin est comme un jour sans soleil - Louis Pasteur
Water separates the people of the world; wine unites them - anonymous
Wine is the most civilized thing in the world - Ernest Hemingway
Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance - Benjamin Franklin

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