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Obama's speech
30/01/2010 00:27:09
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Obama's speech
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I recorded Obama's speech the other night, and watched it from beginning to end tonight.

Obama quoted many letters he receives from Americans who are frustrated - he almost seems to be suggesting that Americans are like kids begging for things to be provided by the government, and that people are "frustrated and angry" because govt assistance isn't coming fast enough. The colossal irony is the major outrage by voters in Massachusetts who expressed their views on being made dependent by the state. Whether Obama is in huge denial, or out of touch, or just plain dishonest, the irony is astounding.

But it got better...the health care bill is failing - because, according to Obama, it's a "complex issue", and he hasn't done a better job of explaining it. If that wasn't condescending enough, get ready for the biggest attempt to insult the intelligence of the American public: "Health care experts who know our system best consider this approach a vast improvement over the status quo." Once again, more irony....Americans have largely educated themselves on this bill, and have arrived at their own conclusion - and THAT is Obama's real problem.

And then, just like comic relief in a Shakespeare play, was the rib-tickler. "We haven't raised income taxes by a single dime on a single person". Even Obama realizes that the Democrats have increased spending by nearly a trillion dollars and propose to spend a trillion more - and ultimately, Americans will have to pay for it. (Which, of course, would not be so comical).

Then there was the rather insipid shot at the Republicans, when he acknowledged that his (tiny) freeze won't take effect until 2011....."that's how budgeting works" he stated, as he stared down the Republicans. One of the republican rebuttles later reminded everyone that the Democratic Congress didn't hesitate to toss out the official budget when deciding to spend $700 billion on TARP bailout and $800 billion on the "stimulus" package.

And I saved the best for last - "But if anyone from either party has a better approach that will bring down premiums, bring down the deficit, cover the uninsured, strengthen Medicare for seniors and stop insurance company abuses, let me know." LET HIM KNOW?????? How, for Christ sakes???? Town Hall Meetings? Rallies on the DC Mall??? I got a better idea....an election....we could even hold it in a left-leaning state like Massachusetts, to give Obama an advantage..

Oh, wait a minute...all those happened!!! And Obama has made clear that he doesn't care what Americans have to say. And why? Because he has never really cared much for Americans in the first place.

I knew before the 2008 election that Obama would defeat Bush....because too many people were tired of Bush, who was rather bad. But I also figured that within 2-3 years, the American public would detest Obama FAR MORE. I was wrong... his high-handed, arrogant tactics have the backlash against him ahead of schedule. Here's another prediction - he will have the lowest approval rating of any president by the time 2012 rolls around.

But...until the day comes when the Republican establishment finds a better leader.....and acts on the fundamental principles of liberty....in the words of Thomas Jefferson, builds "a wise and frugal Government which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry ...and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.", then we're left with choices of a president who was really bad (men like Bush) and a president who is a million times worse.

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