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14/02/2010 06:47:16
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Re: Pre
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>>>>An old running buddy -- who still runs, unlike me -- sent me this cover from Runner's World the other day. The picture has stayed with me at odd moments all week.
>>>>Almost 35 years after his death, Steve Prefontaine still inspires.
>>>I am a trained observer, a student of life, and a logician. Applying all that to running has caused me to deduce that - you hardly ever see anyone SMILING and running at the same time. Ergo, it is not fun! I will only run when it's a fight/flight situation!!! lol
>>I get your tongue in cheek but running really is enjoyable. The phrase "runner's high" didn't come from nowhere. I should get going again.
>>It's been very seldom that I have asked for anything here. Anyone want to help me getting started? I know once I get through that first week or two, when my legs feel like dead logs and it isn't pleasant, I will be OK. I just need that kick in the a** to get started.
>Hi Mike,
>I'm a little older than you (67) and I never really enjoyed running, perhaps it brought up too many memories of army airborne ranger training < g >. And now, at 30# overweight, running is out of the question. But about 5 years ago I discovered cycling. Riding gives me that "runners high" you mentioned, plenty of cardio exercise and burns calories without the pounding that running does to my body. Riding on the back roads and bike trails is peaceful and helps clear my mind. If I want excitement, I can ride on city streets and highways < g >.
>Last year a friend challenged me to join him on the Angel Ride (WWW.angelcharitabletrust.org) a two day 135mi ride across Connecticut to benefit Paul Newman's Hole in The Wall Camp. Don't let anyone tell you CT is flat < g >. Despite being the oldest rider and recovering from pulmonary thrombosis, I finished the ride, something a few younger riders can not claim. I am riding again this year, and I am also signed up for Ragbrai (WWW.ragbrai.com), a week long ride across Iowa, my home state, in July. Iowa IS flat, but also HOT in July < g >.
>You might want to consider cycling but you certainly should do something to help your spirit and your body!

About 5 years ago I did a lot of bicycling for a couple of years. I rode almost every day, usually on either a 12 mile route or a 20 mile forest preserve trail. A couple of of 50 milers in the fall. Unfortunately, I kind of burned out on it and have not had any urge to ride the past three years.

That's great that you did the across CT thing. A great cause, too. I think you and your wife give a lot of time to charitable causes, don't you?

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