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More warrantless searches on the way...grrr
27/02/2010 02:37:54
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>>>>I don't buy into the "medical" marijuana. That is merely a ruse.
>>>What about chemo patients? Many have no appetite after treatment (a friend of a friend who went through it said he had a taste of poison in his mouth and couldn't bear the thought of eating) and often lose a lot of weight and strength as a result. Medical marijuana in that case has proven to be effective in regaining their appetites (of course, I'm not sure their diet of Doritos and Twinkies is that good an idea {g}).
>>Are you saying "MM" is the ONLY thing that can give them an appetite? I seriously doubt it. These type arguments are specious. There are other drugs, that happen to be legal, that can fulfill this need.
>Face it John if it was legal a lot of your boys would be out of a job and able to seize a whole lot less of people possessions. If dope is illegal why isn't alcohol.
>Its use/overuse should be a medical problem not a legal one.

John may disagree but as far as I know marijuana has effectively been decriminalized in this country already. If you don't have a huge amount of it, i.e. appear to be a distributor or dealer, I don't think you're going to get busted for pot possession any more.

I had one close call in college. This was a time when a huge percentage of college and high school students smoked pot and the smell of the smoke (which I kind of liked) wafted from every dormitory and concert in the country. One night three buddies and I had been smoking and listening to music and made a late night donut run. Munchies, dontcha know. On the way there we got pulled over for what turned out to be a broken taillight. Two cops got out of their car and ordered us out. At that time you could still get busted and that was what they wanted to do. The only problem was a lack of evidence. As luck would have it, the joint we were toking in the car was almost gone when the flashing lights went on behind us. In one of the few brilliant thoughts of his I remember, Bob K. spit on the end of the joint to douse it and then swallowed it. Boy, those cops were pissed. They searched all of us, searched the car, and didn't find a thing. They had to let us go. "From now on smoke your dope back at Northwestern," the more pissed off of the two said.

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