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>>>I'm only saying that, if a dr. can and does prescribe morphine for pain, shouldn't he also be able to prescribe MM?? This just doesn't make any sense to me. What makes sense is that no one can purchase MM without a prescription. All doctors prescriptions for MM should be monitored for abuse. There can still be controls....it's up to our State and Federal Legislatures.
>>Well, if there is already medicine for pain management, why throw another log on the fire? You have to admit the MM movement has really been about legalizing marijuana. Why else would it be pushed so hard and used by thousands, who obviously aren't cancer patients?
>You seem to keep going back to legalizing marijuana. I am NOT for this.
>I agree that it is a drug. I believe all drugs should be treated the same. If it is used to treat a valid medical condition, then a doctor should be able to prescribe it and, just like all other drugs, you can go to the pharmacy to get your prescription filled.
>Researchers have proven, through clinical trials, that it does help Glacoma, Alzheimers, arthritis pain, etc. From what you've said about your medical history, if you don't already have arthritis, you will at some later date. I hope a suitable pain relief will be available to you because right now there is no cure.
>Also, you question the validity of the number 100,000 in Colorado. When you consider the millions of 65+ seniors in the U.S. I don't think that's an unreasonable number (Yes, there are many that's taking advantage of the system....I agree), but a large share of these millions have valid medical conditions that MM would help them in many different ways.
>Again, I want to reiterate that I have never seen, touched, or used any illegal drug, except for military training purposes. I think excessive alcohol and drug use are morally wrong, especially when their use puts others in jeopardy. If a person goes to a bar and gets drunk, takes a taxi home....I don't have a problem with that. I don't like drunks, but I'm not the one that's going to have the hangover:)

Ok - so if this drug should not be legalized because it's a drug - then surely you must think that booze - which is also a drug - should not be legal either? Surely you understand the disaster that created last time we tried it...how is this different that booze?
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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