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28/02/2010 09:22:29
28/02/2010 01:27:47
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>>>>>>>>>Something that has always puzzled me:
>>>>>>>>>When I was a kid I was taught to clean my teeth last thing before going to school. That way my breakfast wouldn't be rotting my teeth all day (esp. as cereals etc have sugar content). And this is the way I've raised my kids.
>>>>>>>>>But according to just about every US film, TV show, etc all US kids rush their breakfast, their parents never having got them started on it in time, and have to abandon it half-eaten and rush out immediately to catch the school bus, or get in the car with whichever parent is leaving for work (having just snatched a mouthful of coffee).
>>>>>>>>I taught my kids the same, and have never quite understood the folks who brush first thing in the morning before breakfast. That said, there were plenty of days in high school where my kids failed to brush in the morning because they were rushing out. My older son, in particular, is not and has never been a morning person, and getting to school by 7:30 AM was a real struggle for him.
>>>>>>>from British Dental Health
>>>>>>>Eating and drinking naturally weakens the enamel on your teeth, and brushing straight afterwards can cause tiny particles of enamel to be brushed away. It is best not to brush your teeth until at least one hour after eating.
>>>>>>Who has i hour between breakfast and going to school/work?
>>>>>>I'm sure it's better than leaving coco pops residue on one's teeth all day.
>>>>>>I've heard that brushing straight after fruit juice is bad, cos such has just semi-dissolved the enamel.
>>>>>>>It is especially important to brush before bed. This is because the flow of saliva, which is the mouth’s own cleaning system, slows down during the night and this leaves the mouth more at risk from decay.
>>>>>Just rinse .
>>>>>I think there's way too much teeth cleaning goes on. Your mouth has a natural ecosystem. the less you pitz around with it the better.
>>>>>Hows things BTW
>>>>That's just plain kooky. :o) Even those recommending natural care of the teeth recognize the need to brush, rinse, floss, and use natural herbs with antibacterial properties like spearmint, peppermint, oils of almond, tea tree oil, or green tea for the mouth. Just rinse? With a recommendation like that I would hope you would back it up with studies that support it.
>>>I meant after breakfast if you don't have time to wait.
>>Are you saying it is better to rinse after breakfast instead of brushing your teeth if you cannot wait one hour? I'm confused...
>Yes I am.

I disagree, but there are some very good rinses available today that are better than nothing...

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