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Global Warming
02/03/2010 16:49:18
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>>>>>>>Do we really want to do things we know are bad for the earth for no better reason than short term profit? Mighty short sighted IMO.
>>>>>>A. No one is suggesting this red herring.
>>>>>>B. To the bolded above : Are you so sure about what "we know"? The earth has a funny way of demonstrating just how little "we know".
>>>>>come on Jake, as you know the libs like Mike do know what's best for all of us. Just ask them...
>>>>That's crap, John. You have me stereotyped as some caricature. I am liberal but not one of the here's-what's-good-for-you types. In fact that's a trait I can't stand.
>>> Mike,
>>>I don't intend to piss you off, but "knowing wahts good for everyone else" is part and parcel of the liberal mindset. From the environmentalist whackos, to the feminazis, to the "force you to buy health insurance because you won't but we know better" crowd, just look at the liberal positions on anything. It always includes mandatory adhereance ....
>>"knowing whats good for everyone else" is part and parcel of the elitist mindset
>>While I believe the left has a more diverse selection of causes trying to control different aspects of our lives I do not ignore the large numbers of behavior controllers on the far right as well. It's the human trait of elitism and the vain need to "feel" superior that drives them, not a particular political philosophy.
>I am still not part of "them," if you were suggesting that I am.

Now, let me be clear... ;)

I do not believe you are an elitist. I believe you are left-leaning and identify with causes championed by elitists.

Mind you, we all have some traits of elitism in us. I'm certainly guilty of wanting dramatically expanded economic education for our citizenry, but I would never suggest you or anyone else pay for it or be forced to attend. That's the difference. Where I see things that could be done to improve society, I'm not willing to sacrifice the liberty of others to achieve the goal, regardless of how beneficial I feel it would be to society as a whole. An elitist believes they know better than the unwashed masses and therefore has a right/duty to impose their self-diagnosed superior knowledge upon us through any means at their disposal. The most obvious means is legislation and regulation. As a bonus, they get the ego boost of being regarded as "powerful" with an open mic and a personal security detail.
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