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08/03/2010 10:30:28
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>>>Generally their positions are outside the mainstream one way or the other. The Tea Party certainly is.
>>>Mike, you might want to take a closer look at what some people in the Tea Party are saying. "Tea party activists" aren't nearly the kooks that the liberal press would have you believe (though I was strongly disappointed that they wanted Palin as a keynote speaker). I had an intense argument the other day with the person who "introduced me" to Ayn Rand - this person is now a big Palin supporter. Palin is nothing but a feeble specimen of window-dressing, a ditto-head.
>>I read about them and see the pictures. Middle aged white people, men and women, literally red faced with anger and shouting. That's not an invention of a liberal media.
>>We agree about Sarah Palin. If you put her brain in a bird the bird would fly backwards.
>I certainly don't see it as my party of choice :o) However, to be honest, a move (even temporary) away from our two-party system took anger in the masses for it to happen and I think many in this country are no longer tied to any specific party as much as before. How angry are the tea-party folks? The whole group is certainly not comprised of shouting red faced members whose goal is to return to the colonialist times, although there certainly are some of those. When folks got really angry about the taxes, economy, bailouts is when they actually started protesting and that certainly brings out the crazies but it also brings out those who are just plain fed up. I am surpised that an educated individual would completely buy into the media portrayal when it is well known that the media always focuses on the fringe of every group that makes the best news. Of hundreds of folks attending protests, the media only films those with the most outrageous behavior. You support anti-war protests and see those folks as passionate but you despise anti-tax and pro-fiscal conservatism protests and label the entire group as angry white folks. You hate negative left-wing labels but enjoy dishing out right-wing labels every chance you get. There are fringe freaks in all groups and it's a shame is every group is pigeon-holed based on their most outrageous members. Our political system and government are broken. Even Maine Senator Olympia Snowe admitted as much in a CNN interview. In a CNN poll in February, 86% of the public agreed. Thank goodness 81% believe that what is broken can be fixed.
>Here is one (of many) stories:

I did not know I had so many extreme positions! Thanks for setting me straight.

One thing I will disagree with is your statements about the news media. You are in no position to make statements like that. How would you know what they choose not to cover?

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