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>>>>>>Take no prisoners!!! :)
>>>>>He made my point. "I just love marijuana!" It ain't about MM, it's about legalizing another drug for dopeheads. There were over 50 robberies of MM dispenseries in Denver last year, so you may wind up reading about pot boy and his mom sometime later.....
>>>>But not 50 robberies of pharmacies? Hmmmmm..... If it was dispensed by pharmacies, would the robberies go up or down? Let's face it, the dispensers don't generally have the same protections/security/laws in place and maybe that is part of the problem?
>>>legalizing pot is the problem.
>>No we have the same problem now as what we had when they first tried Prohibition (which failed as you might recall).
>>I watched a very interesting show on CNBC last night - http://www.cnbc.com/id/28281668/ you should check it out...
>>And their poll http://www.cnbc.com/id/28621704 (Do you favor the decriminalization of marijuana use? - YES 96% NO 3.6% hahaha)
>>I'm still baffled that you're not convinced that crime will go down once pot is legalized. There were 800,000+ arrests for pot last year - most of them for possession of a small personal amount. You actually think that is a wise use of our police, courts, and jails? What a huge waste of resources. People all know this - which is why it's on it's way to being leagal.
>You are right Victor. We haven't had enough bad stuff happen with just alcohol, we need to throw some more wood on the fire, so it will burn much hotter. Weed, Crack, heroin, any and all dope. Heck, make it legal for any age, that way the legal stuff won't still be illegal for the teenagers and/or pre-teenagers. Then our country will really accelerate down the slippery slope, which we are already on. I just don't get it. Maybe you need to see some carnage that comes from these rocket scientists....

"....You are right Victor. We haven't had enough bad stuff happen with just alcohol....".... yes and as I'm trying to point out the really "bad stuff" happened when it was illegal - hence the Italian Mafia here in the USA becoming so powerful and the aftermath of that result. People are going to drink legal or not..same with smoking pot. Might as well regulate & tax it than hand over the 13 billion dollars in USA pot sales to the criminals? yes?
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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