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You wanted Change?
14/03/2010 22:36:03
Walter Meester
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>So what did stop you for posting your anger against Bush? Anyways, this is not what this is about.
>You haven't been reading many of my posts - I have repeatedly ripped the Republican party for their poor leadership between 2000 and 2008. Obama won for all the wrong reasons. (But yes, he did win).
>----I cited two examples that, in microcosm, represent the quintessential fraud of the Obama administration (and noticed you haven't said a word...and I assure you, I have a 3-digit IQ) - including taking credit for any progress in Iraq, when Obama was opposed to everything that had brought us to the present.
>I'm not aware of what you're trying to say here or even what you are refering to.

>That's because, I'm sorry to say, your are not well-informed on what Obama has actually been doing (and attempting to do), and I'm not sure that will change.

In that I respectfully disagree. Sure to some more domestic stuff you'll be much more informed than I do. But I surely know where he's going, what he is fighting with his forreign politics, his healthcare reforms, his economic plans, the current wars. And as a european I can clearly put the sore finger on the sore spot when it comes to americans being brain washed whenever words like "social", "capitalism" and "freedom" are at discussion. I can identify that your media, by comparing to ours, is SICK to the core, and that your media and politics are run by the corporate world more than anything. The citizens are VOTING CATTLE and not much more than that. The corporate world will influence (mislead) the people through the media in a much greater extend that we have here. Obama is trying to 'change' that, but that will be an awfull hard battle, because of decades of brainwashing and keeping citizen ignorant about important issues, is not something you're revert in a few years. There are too many great powers who have too much at stake, even those who financed obama's election.

I mean, many (even intelligent) americans think that europe is socialistic or communistic. First of all, as discussed previously they often use very bended definitions which will throw current european countries on one heap with former USSR or Rusia (if they even know the difference). Its like saying that oral sex isn't sex at all. Yeah sure right.

Many of them do still think that 'unregulated capatalism' is the way to go, even though the current crisis has shown it would destroy itself without intervention and regulation. When even alan greenspan admits this, he will be classified as RINO. Err... sure. I've seen this pattern before

Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. If you truly want freedom, go live on your own in the inlands of australia. But then don't complain or blame the government when: you've got no food, are ill, feel lonely, you're robbed, your house is on fire, etc.

Question what does take away your freedom the most by far (hint. It does not have anything to do with the government) ?

BTW, I realise I'm talking to a wall, but I've got nothing better to do a 3.36 am.

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