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Health care bill
22/03/2010 10:51:17
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>If the Health care bill wins today, I will personally write letters to every House member who votes "yes" and will personally start a website to call for their ouster when their elections come up.
>Today is an important flashpoint in modern American history - either Barack Hussein Obama will finally "get the message" of the American people....or the U.S. will quite possibly take the biggest step backwards since 1929.

The message will arrive in November. What will he get between now and then is the question. I am in Canada and as you know we have govt. health care here and I am conservative by nature, so I am torn between free enterprise and a belief that anyone who needs medical help should get it. I do believe that, given enough time, any socialist contraption will fail by collapsing under it's own weight. As a side note: My Grandfather was the only doctor in a small town in the mid west around the turn of the century(1800-1900). In those days and through the depression, there was something called Christian Charity, (which seems to have faded from North American society). If someone could not afford the Doctor's service, he was treated anyway. Often, a payment was made later in the form of a fifty pound bag of potatoes or a couple of chickens etc. Sometimes a payment was never made and it was forgotten by the doctor. No matter what, when people gather together into a community there will always be some who are not to well off and others who can afford the better things in life. None should go wanting for medical treatment.

It may interest you to know how the Canuck med system was born. There was a federal election and the party that got the most votes was the Liberals, but they didn't have enough votes to form a majority. However a third party also had some members elected. That party (NDP) is far left of the left wing Liberals. The two left wingers formed a loose coalition. During their term the NDP blackmailed the Liberals into supporting medicare. (If you don't enact medicare then the NDP will not support the Liberals when it comes to a vote in Parliament and the government will fall and an election will be called and the evil conservatives might get in) So, the wimpy liberals caved and we got medicare in Canada. I'm not sure what the heck you got last night. And I suspect that if Obama, Pelosi et al were in Canada, they'd be members of the NDP. Good luck financing that mess.
I ain't skeert of nuttin eh?
Yikes! What was that?

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