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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I hope someone takes him out soon.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>This is a public forum, it sounds like you're advocating assassination.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>If there's a US security agency robot crawling this site, you've just stepped on a trip wire.
>>>>>>>>>>>>I've expressed my opinion. Remember freedom of speech that all the liberals stand up for as long as it is atrocious.
>>>>>>>>>>>1st amendment is not absolute as all the conservatives like to remind us.
>>>>>>>>>>But it is absolute as you and the other liberals claim.
>>>>>>>>>Even after the reduction, the USA and Russian will still have over two thousand nukes each. That ought to be enough.
>>>>>>>>Reducing nukes doesn't bother me.
>>>>>>>>Saying we no longer protect our troops or citizens from chemical/biological weapons is treasonous.
>>>>>>>He did NOT say that. Let's not get unhinged here.
>>>>>>Right. Now everyone can rest easy when Syria or Iran or North Korea uses bug spray on our troops. We'll take them to court. Better yet, we'll send them some money and apologise for getting in the way.
>>>>>He didn't say that, either.
>>>>>Our security and defense forces have not gone off for a long lunch. If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure their response readiness remains at twitch level whatever the incumbent President may or may not say.
>>>>>Seriously, Bill, go for a long walk in the spring air. It will be therapeutic.
>>>>Cut Defense Research and Development. Cut advanced projects. Cut missile defense. Cut manned space progam (now we rely on our buddies the Russians and maybe the Chinese for manned flights). Cut and run from Iraq (announce the date - best present he could give the enemy). Cut our defense options (publicly). Announce we will no longer develop new nuclear weapons or delivery systems.
>>>>Thank God Iran, China, Russia, North Korea, and others are going full speed ahead modernizing and developing new weapons (including nuclear) systems. They can protect us.
>>>>He is the enemy.
>>>Government cuts are everywhere with the economy. My daughter found out this week that the senior art class she wanted to take next year has been chopped as part of a 20% budget cut. It's a hell of a leap from being President when federal programs are cut back to what you said. Will post your exact words as an update.
>>>UPDATE: "Saying we no longer protect our troops or citizens from chemical/biological weapons is treasonous."
>>I stand by it. The article says Obama is changing our defensive posture to not include nuclear response in the event of chemical or biological weapons attack upon us.
>>Nobody has dared to use chemical weapons (the cheap dictators' friend) on us yet because we always had the implied threat of causing the enemy to glow for many many years.
>>Now we'll take them to court (federal, of course).
>That's narrowcasting his words to a specific situation. What he is committing to is no nukes, period. You may not agree -- you probably don't -- but I think that is the right decision. I would have said the same if it had been Bush. Nukes have been used twice in human history, both times by us, 65 years ago. It's time to end the possibility. We can't very well twist the arms of North Korea, Iran, and Pakistan not to keep nuclear arms while we still have them ourselves. Why should they trust us?

Yep. We should also allow prisoners in maximum security prisons to have whatever weapons they like, and have guards disarm and carry flowers and happy thoughts. That'll work.

>Also, you are mixing up protection and reaction. Nothing can completely protect our troops and citizens from chemical/biological weapons. Missiles in silos or on submarines can't stop an attack from happening. The issue is our response.

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