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20/05/2010 10:41:21
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Re: Talent
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I actually am beginning to think Fox is a clever Democractic ploy to keep all the right wing blowhards so gainfully employed they can't run for office against the left-wing blowhards who can't actually make a living in the real world and so want to wallow at the public trough through elective office <bg>

>Why would he want to do that? Fox is the best advertising the Democrats have ;-)
>>Glee is on Fox. Are you sure Obama isn't jamming the network or something? ( I think the kgb used to do that with Radio Free Europe ) <s>
>>>>Speaking of talent ...
>>>>Glee is truly one of the best things on TV - probably one of the best that has ever been on TV just in terms of delivering actual entertainment. Last night it included Neil Patrick Harris in a duet of "Dream on" and the amazing Rachel (Lea Michele) and her newly found mother in a duet of "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Mis (as well as some other very cool stuff) ... all in a one hour TV show.
>>>>It's not Deal or No Deal but it sure is watchable. If you didn't catch it I imagine those two numbers are up on Youtube by now.
>>>I can't get the show on my TV with the rabbit ears, but I checked out the youtube items below.
>>>The first one was ok. He sounds to me like your average show tune singer.
>>>The second though (I dreamed a dream), was exceptional. Now that is singing.
>>>>>>>I haven't read the book, but does he make any distinction between talent and skill, or does he equate them. Many pianists have great skill, but true talent is a different animal altogether. I have no doubt at all that great skill can be learned through practice. But to become a Mozart or an Art Tatum requires more than great skill. It requires imagination and the ability to see what others cannot.
>>>>>>I was skeptical until I read the book but he does allow for genius. He just contends that it takes 20,000 hours to get really good at anything. So Art Tatum and Lebron James and Mozart are the products of both genius and the incredible amount of practice - and proper practice at that - required to achieve greatness.
>>>>>>Pretty good book actually.
>>>>>Ok, so he does differentiate between skill and talent and genius. The real question, at least for me I guess, is how much would I want to be merely skilled. Did you ever hear the story about how Paul Weston and Jo Stafford became Jonathan and Darlene Edwards? It had to do with being out for dinner with their producer and listening to a lounge piano player who had skill, but just wasn't really any good.
>>>>>>"Doing what is difficult for others is talent. Doing what is impossible for talent is genius."
>>>>>I can buy that.
>>>>>>>>>For lots of reasons, but particularly if you have children, I think you will gain a lot of insight from this book:
>>>>>>>>>Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else by Geoff Colvin
>>>>>>>>>Unlike what most of us believe, that talent is something we either have or not, it turns out that talent can actually be learned and developed, which will come as a surprise to many I'm sure. The author clearly explains and shows with extensive relevant research how it can be achieved and, amazingly, by most anyone. But the price for becoming truly talented, whether in sport, business, or any other field, is a high one.
>>>>>>>>After following this thread I bought the book and found it fascinating. Here is what you may call "anecdotal evidence" for the book's argument:
>>>>>>>>1yr old video
>>>>>>>>Expressive young pianist (2yr old)
>>>>>>>>Green Sleeves by a 4 Year Old Pianist
>>>>>>>>pianist(5years old girl): Bach minuet
>>>>>>>>pianist( 5 years old ):L.v.Beethoven ' Fur Elise '
>>>>>>>>pianist(5years old girl): Bach minuet
>>>>>>>>pianist (6years old girl):Mozart Sonata K331 Allegretto
>>>>>>>>I am not totally sure it is the same girl, but it seems to be the same (kind of) piano in all of them. The dates don;t seem to jibe, though.
>>>>>>>>Here is an article on the same subject.


Charles Hankey

Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened.
- Thomas Hardy

Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

-- T. S. Eliot
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
- Ben Franklin

Pardon him, Theodotus. He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.

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