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MS Ignores VFP at Internet Expo
13/10/1998 21:22:25
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Visual FoxPro
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- What's this about - did I not mention ADO in my statement. Was it in VB3???

ADO is only 1 aspect of things. As a IDE, VB does a much better job of supporting datbase applications. I just don't believe that sweeping statements can be made - like VFP is always best or VB is always best - or X is always better than Y. That is my point.

- MOre reading trouble. . . I said a customer rejects anything of the SQL variety. You would still "push it"? Is that how I'm to read this?

I would never push anything the customer either did not want or need. I think you have the impression that I am of the opinion that a n-tier SQL Server solution is always best. I think you also view me as an MS drone and general VFP basher. Nothing could be further from the truth. I just happen to be one person who looks at, and uses the other tools that ship in the VS box.

- reading ??? - The customer *REJECTS* anything to dowith SQL. Get it??


No, I guess I don't...

All very cute stuff, Johnny-boy. And the fact that you learned a new word recently really shows through.
You can go on pedaling the MS view of the world. Some of us believe that we should say somethinng when we smell something wrong. You obviously do not. Sycophants are always nice to have around, but they become expendable when things change.

Now we get at the heart of your post. You don't like MS. And, you view me in the same light. Why don't you just come out and say that - instead of couching your arguments differently?? I really don't care. You say you smell something wrong. I advocate using the right tool for the job and am clearly on the record with saying that sometimes VFP is the right tool and sometimes another tool is correct. You clearly have problems when VFP is not the one - true correct solution. This is the problem you have with my posts.

Once again, VFP is a great tool. However, it is one tool in many that are available today. If you think that smells bad, well, that is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

PS I definitely will not be responding further on this!


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