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>>>>As the bumper sticker put it: "Thou Shalt Not Kill/Includes Your Enemies." I suspect we all have things worth dying for, the only question being "was it worth it?"
>>>>PS: the case can, and has been made -- by US Military strategists including Petraeus -- that we messed up in Vietnam, Irag and Afghanistan because we focused on killing the enemy, rather than protecting the public and providing them with better lives. While everything is open to interpretation at some level, any discussion of these wars has to begin with the analyses of those who have the most to lose by bucking the system.
>>>It's why the military spends so much time building bridges, schools, youth centers, roads, hospitals, trucking in food and supplies, etc.
>>...well what they don't give to the Halliburton crooks to build anyway.
>Your information is as inaccurate as Bill's. The media likes to portray Haliburton as this big bucket of wasted dollars with nothing getting done except money being stolen. While the waste is true, there is plenty of building going on that is done by the military or done by locals overseen by military engineers (who typically hold engineering jobs back here in the states). Those efforts are not without their trials and setbacks but they do go on:
>10 months old, but accurate:
>Sadly, because the fighting hasn't stopped, a lot of buildings (hospitals and community centers and schools) get destroyed and the building starts all over again.
>We cannot stop doing the right thing because of those who have taken advantage.

I went to the first Gulf War, and I remember a case where the US was shipping in pallet loads of cash to hand out to civilians. Well, they were supposed to give it those the US was "doing business with", but what really happened was large sums of cash just simply dissappearing.

The same is happening now too.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind
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