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>I retained a contact back in February to develop a simple contact management system. The client's data was in Access.
>I wrote the app as a C# WinForms app against SQL 2005 Express. 3 key requirements were:
>1) Skype dialing
>2) Export to Constant Contact
>3) Save contact to Google contacts
>I have been unable to get the Save contact to Google contacts feature working correctly. There have been numerous problems. Most of the time when it errors, the exception says "Operation failed", and the inner is "Bad request". This happens intermittently whereas one contact will save fine, the next won't. Theres' no ryme or reason to it. I'v spend well over 100 hours on this project. Most of that time has been on this issue
>In the course of doing this project, the client has made a number of requests to change the software. I have a bunch of emails where he stated, "This doesn't really work for me. Can you make it do this instead", or, "I'd rather have this do that". In the name of good customer relations I have made the changes. (Shouldn't have, but I did).
>Well, here it is 4 months later and I still have not completed it. The Google problems are unsolvable, in my opinion. The client agrees.
>2 weeks ago I decided enough is enough and I sent him an email stating that I was cancelling the project. He of course was not happy, and after we talked, I agreed that I would try one more time to get the Google thing working. Friday he called me and agreed that it's time to cancel this.
>He has paid me $400 as a retainer, and now he wants it back. The Skype dialing works, as does the Constant Contact export. He stated that he doesn't have what he paid for, so he wants his money back. My point is that not only does he have 2/3 functionality, I have made a number of upgrades at my own expense.
>When I emailed him 2 weeks ago to cancel, and we talked, in that conversation he hinted at sueing me. Thing is, it's only $400.
>What would you do?

Here is what I would do. I would tell him that I spent 100 hours on this project and at my "charity" rate of $10/hr, I deserve at least $1000. And if he does not pay, he should remove any trace of my program from his network/PC and send me a certified letter stating that he followed this requirement. Upon receipt of this letter I would send him his $400.
"The creative process is nothing but a series of crises." Isaac Bashevis Singer
"My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all." Oscar Wilde
"If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too." W.Somerset Maugham

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