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Best driver for VFP 9 with SQL Server 2008?
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Microsoft SQL Server
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SQL Server 2008
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>>>>I am preparing for a meeting with a potential customer for a VFP/SQL Server 2008 application. I need to sound like I know what I am talking about <g>. I am sure one of the question they will ask is what driver(s) will be necessary to install on each client PC to use the VFP 9 application with SQL Server 2008. I have read various message where some suggest to use ADO, some SQL Server Native Client 10, or ODBC. What is the best or most efficient/recommended?
>>>If you install Native client it comes with both OLEDB and ODBC drivers.
>>>With VFP use ADO if you use the newly added data type fields - n/varchar(max), date, time etc.
>>First, thank you, Borislav. Is Native Client something you can download from the web or does it come with SQL Server 2008? Also, I am confused a little; if I install Native Client which comes with OleDb and ODBC but I need to use ADO with VFP, why do I need Native Client? (I am sure this is a very newbie question, but I need to understand. Thanks).
>You could download The SQL Server Native Client freely from MS site.
>About ADO.
>You should use ADO because the ODBC functions in VFP didn't understand the new types.

Sorry for being a pest but something is still not clear. To use ADO what do you install on the PC? Or SQL Server Native Client includes ADO too?
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