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Ginchrich To Run For President
15/07/2010 19:58:16
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What I've found most interesting is Carville's ripping Obama on his moratorium on drilling and the entire Gulf disaster. That's the first I've heard Dem pundit really go after a Dem president while in office...of course, it is his home state...

>Let's add to the evidence that Obama is a moron;

>Yesterday, he went off teleprompter and called Al Queda racist against africans, despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary, not the least of
which is a possible successor to Bin Laden named Sheikh Abu Yahya al-Libi.
>Then there's his continuing effort to put a "6 month" moratoriam on deep water drilling in the face of better solutions and 2 court rulings (federal and allellate) and the obvious economic and personal damage that decision will cause. He continues to act in the face of rigs leaving the country knowing full well they will not be back for years. He continues to act regardless of those in his own party who are vocally against this decision due to the damage it will cause. See Carville today.
>Arrogant bully?
>Hyper-Intelligent Machavellian intent, not wasting a crisis, intending to destroying oil exploration in the US in favor of pie in the sky "green" cap-n-tax energy?
>I'll stick with the Occam's razor approach. The guy is an idiot.
>>So this brings us right back to the beginning - you think Palin is smarter than Obama.
>>Ooook you stick with that belief then if that's what you really think.
>>>>I'm not hung up on academic credentials - I'm just stating the obvious fact that Palin is an idiot compared to Obama - and if you're going to attempt to compare Palin with Einstein and Edison I'd say this conversation is pointless.
>>>Well, that's a strange way to twist what I wrote.
>>>Allow me to clarify my opinion. Obama as a ummming, aahhhhing, tele-puppeting, blithering idiot with who surrounds himself with like-minded yes-men acedemics with zero real-world experience between them. His ideals do not function in the real world and his policy ideas are preposterous, dangerous and historically, proveably, demonstrably wrong. That I regard Palin as more intelligent does in no way suggest that I regard her as highly intelligent. Smarter than an idiot is still an moron. ;)
>>>If you prefer I could take the position that he is very intelligent. In that case he is purposfully driving policies which will destroy the country through financial ruin, quashed liberty and central control. Sorry, but I'm not into conspiracy theories. He's an idiot. Period!
>>>>>Lots of ;)'s ahead...
>>>>>>>>>Obama/Palin is easy. Palin by a WIDE margin. She may have her intellectual faults, but I put her mental capacity far and above Obama's. I have yet to be presented with any shred of evidence as to His superior intellect.
>>>>>>>>Ok let me be SURE I have this right - you think Palin's intellect is equal to that of Obama's, and claim there is no evidence to suggest otherwise?
>>>>>>>You snipped too much ;)
>>>>>>>His ideas and policies are a tried and failed regurgitation of bankrupting socialist domestic policy, detente kowtowing foreign policy and historically inept Keynesian fiscal policy.
>>>>>>>I take the President at his word that he believes the policies he has advocated and implemented will make America stronger and safer. A simple examination of the historical record demonstrates exactly where his policy decisions will lead. Therefore, I conclude him to be intellectually inept.
>>>>>>>If you prefer, I could impose the W or Quayle IQ standard and point out his gaffes (see Auschwitz, 57 states, 10000 dead in Kansas, profit/earnings, 8% unemployment, stupid police...)
>>>>>>>One may also consider him to be insane if applying Einstein's definition. ;)
>>>>>>Ok well you unsnipped too much.
>>>>>>Look - if you think Barack Obama, caught up in the fervor of a campaign speech, overstating the Kansas tornadoes death toll suddenly put his intellect on par with Palin's your nuts.
>>>>>>Palin went to North Idaho College and got a b.s. in communications. Meanwhile Barack Obama is a graduate of Harvard Law School, magna cum laude and Columbia University - BA, Political Science.
>>>>>Ah, I see, you're hung up on academic credentials.
>>>>>Einstein, Edison, the Wright Brothers...all elementary school dropouts.
>>>>>Gates, Dell, Jobs...all college dropouts.
>>>>>Clearly all are far less intelligent than the president...right? ;)
>>>>>One's ability to stay in the coddled surroundings of college does not impress me. The fact that he applied that "superior" education to "community organizing" is much more telling. ;)
>>>>>>Palin's foreign relations skills are that she "can see Russia from her house"
>>>>>So her foreign relations skills are on par with your research ability, since she never said what you quoted. That's Tina Fey. ;)
>>>>>>and duh unable to tell if Africa is a country or not.
>>>>>I'll give you credit, at least you didn't use quotes this time, since this rumor is attributed to “sources within the McCain campaign.” ;)
>>>>>and then there's, duh, "countries like Europe". ;)
>>>>>>Even if you don't agree with what Obama has done (or is doing) surely you can't actually think we'd be better off with an idiot like Palin responsible for our country do you?
>>>>>Yes. With the exception of certain war policies (once he eventually hemmed and hawed and made a freaking decision), he has done nothing positive. Our foreign policy is a joke, from the apology tour, to ignoring the Iranian citizens uprising, to the Russian policy of give Putin what he wants...I mean "reset". His administration is suing a state for having the gall to pass a law to mimic unenforced federal law, while ignoring obvious election violations purely based on politically calculated, racial grounds. He has been making one incompetently politically motivated decision after another regarding the Gulf oil spill while ignoring the obvious, simple acts that he can do with the stroke of a pen between swings of his golf club. Then there's the the 2000+ page domestic policies he has pushed and are unhelpful at best and economically disastrous at worst. The health care takeover, as many of us knew beforehand and others are slowly learning, is Madoff, Stanford, Medicare and Social Security on steroids combined with a centrally controlled bureaucratic web of rationing and containing a fistful of private insurance destroying mandates. Financial "reform" makes "too-big-to-fail" bailouts and private company seizures standard practice while completely ignoring the $350 billion (to date) Fannie and Freddie gorillas swept under the rug.
>>>>>A thousand times yes! Give me Palin over this inept, egomaniacal, narcissistic, moron!
>>>>>Hell, I'd even take Hillary! ;)
>>>>>>Even if you like the idea that she wants to "shake things up in Washington and ruffle some feathers" at least admit if that's what she wants to do then she should become a senator and learn a few things before she tries to handle international relations for our country like the USA.
>>>>>Personally, I like where she is now. I think she's found her niche. In addition, I hope we allow the president to return to his community organizing niche in January 2015.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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