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Moverbar in Grids??
22/09/2008 11:24:31
Information générale
Visual FoxPro
Codage, syntaxe et commandes
Versions des environnements
Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP SP2
Windows XP
MS SQL Server
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Hi Marcia and everyone who used this,

I made a visual class from this. In this class I set ColumnCount to 1 and in the first column I added the button of that special button class. So, the class now has the first column with that button.

Now I added this grid class to a form, set properties, set the second column to the field in my cursor. And when I run the form I see the first column showing the first column from the cursor and not the column with the button. Also, I set the Header's title to '' in that class in the first column and now it also got reset to the name of the field.

Do you know what may be wrong? Should I not add the first column in the class, but rather do in the form's instance?

Thanks in advance.

Also, where is this.Drag method?

>Is it possible to have moverbar like functionality in Grids?
>Basically I want go change the record orders in Grids like I can change in Listbox with moverbar.

>Here is the grid class:
>*-- Class:        grdmover 
>Define Class grdmover As grid
>  AllowCellSelection = .T.
>  *-- Name of icon to use in drag drop operation
>  cok2dropicon = "DRAGMOVE.CUR"
>  *-- Name of icon to use when not ok to drop (i.e., not over grid)
>  cnodropicon = "NODROP02.CUR"
>  *-- PK value of the grid row being moved
>  nmoveditemkey = 0
>  *-- Key value of the grid row being dropped upon
>  ntargetkey = 0
>  *-- Name of the PK field in the grid's RecordSOurce
>  cpkfieldname = ""
>  *-- Name of the sequence field
>  cseqfieldname = ""
>  *-- Relative row that the data is coming from
>  nsourcerow = 0
>  *-- Row that the data is going to
>  ntargetrow = 0
>  cobjmode = "ADD,EDIT"
>  cmodeexpr = ""
>  Name = "grdmover"
>  *-- Re-order the sequence numbers and refresh the grid
>  Procedure resequence
>    Local lcPkFieldName, lcSeqFieldName, lnOldSeq, lnNewSeq, lnHeight
>    Thisform.LockScreen = .T.
>    With This
>      *** Determine where the move is coming from
>      lcPkFieldName = .cpkfieldname
>      lcSeqFieldName = .RecordSource + '.' + .cseqfieldname
>      Select ( .RecordSource )
>      Locate For &lcPkFieldName == .nmoveditemkey
>      If Not Found()
>        *** Mayday! Mayday! This should never happen
>        Messagebox( 'Kill me now and put me out of my agony!' + Chr( 13 ) + "Can't find Moved record in RecordSource", 16, 'Major WAAAAHHHHH!' )
>        Return
>      Endif
>      lnOldSeq = Evaluate( lcSeqFieldName )
>      *** Now find out where it is going
>      Locate For &lcPkFieldName == .ntargetkey
>      If Not Found()
>        Return
>      Endif
>      lnNewSeq = Evaluate( lcSeqFieldName )
>      *** Update the sequence numbers
>      If lnOldSeq > lnNewSeq
>        *** This is a move Up (e.g: row 5 to row 2)
>        Replace All ( lcSeqFieldName ) With Evaluate( lcSeqFieldName ) + 1 ;
>          FOR &lcSeqFieldName >= lnNewSeq ;
>          AND &lcSeqFieldName < lnOldSeq
>      Else
>        *** This is a move down ( e.g.: row 2 to row 5 )
>        Replace All ( lcSeqFieldName ) With Evaluate( lcSeqFieldName ) - 1 ;
>          FOR &lcSeqFieldName > lnOldSeq ;
>          AND &lcSeqFieldName <= lnNewSeq
>      Endif
>      *** put the moved item into the specified location
>      Locate For &lcPkFieldName = .nmoveditemkey
>      Replace ( lcSeqFieldName ) With lnNewSeq
>      lnRecNo = Recno( .RecordSource )
>      *** Do anything else you need to after the move
>      .AfterMove()
>      Go Top In ( .RecordSource )
>      .Refresh()
>      Go lnRecNo In ( .RecordSource )
>      .SetFocus()
>    Endwith
>    Thisform.LockScreen = .F.
>  Endproc
>  Procedure DragDrop
>    Lparameters oSource, nXCoord, nYCoord
>    Local nWhereOut, nRelRowOut, lcPkFieldName
>    *** If this is not the move butto, exit stage left
>    If Upper( oSource.Name ) == 'CMDMOVE'
>      With This
>        *** Call GridHitTest to determine if we are in the grid
>        If .GridHitTest( nXCoord, nYCoord, @nWhereOut, @nRelRowOut )
>          *** Yep...make sure were are not dropping the source onto itself
>          *** If this is the case, there is nothing to do
>          .ntargetrow = nRelRowOut
>          If .ntargetrow # .nsourcerow
>            *** Move to Target Row
>            *** If moving up, Source Row is > Target Row
>            *** and skip will be negative
>            *** If moving down, source row is < target row]
>            *** and skip will be positive
>            Skip .ntargetrow - .nsourcerow In ( .RecordSource )
>            *** Save the value of the PK in the target record
>            lcPkFieldName = .RecordSource + '.' + .cpkfieldname
>            .ntargetkey = Evaluate( lcPkFieldName )
>            *** Handle re-sequencing the records in the grid
>            .resequence()
>          Endif
>        Endif
>      Endwith
>    Endif
>  Endproc
>  Procedure DragOver
>    Lparameters oSource, nXCoord, nYCoord, nState
>    Local nWhereOut, nRelRowOut
>    *** See if we need to scroll the grid
>    With This
>      *** Calculate the maximum number of rows in the grid
>      lnMaxRows = Int( ( .Height - .HeaderHeight - ;
>        IIF( Inlist( .ScrollBars, 1, 3 ),;
>        SYSMETRIC( 8 ), 0 ) ) / .RowHeight )
>      .GridHitTest( nXCoord, nYCoord, @nWhereOut, @nRelRowOut )
>      If nRelRowOut = 1
>        .DoScroll( 0 )
>      Else
>        If nRelRowOut >= lnMaxRows
>          .DoScroll( 1 )
>        Endif
>      Endif
>    Endwith
>    *** Set the appropriate icon
>    If nState = 0
>      oSource.DragIcon = Fullpath( This.cok2dropicon )
>    Else
>      If nState = 1
>        oSource.DragIcon = Fullpath( This.cnodropicon )
>      Endif
>    Endif
>  Endproc
>  *-- Template method to do anything that needs to be done after resequencing
>  Procedure AfterMove
>  Endproc
>and here is the command nbutton class to use as the mover bar:
>*-- Class:        cmdmove 
>Define Class cmdmove As commandbutton
>  Height = 18
>  Width = 18
>  Picture = "..\graphics\ns_01.cur"
>  Caption = ""
>  Name = "cmdmove"
>  Procedure MouseMove
>    Lparameters nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord
>    Local nWhereOut, nRelRowOut, lcPKFieldName
>    If nButton = 1
>      *** start the drag
>      With This.Parent.Parent
>        .GridHitTest( nXCoord, nYCoord, @nWhereOut, @nRelRowOut )
>        .nSourceRow = nRelRowOut
>        lcPKFieldName = .RecordSource + '.' + .cPkFieldName
>        .nMovedItemKey = Evaluate( lcPKFieldName )
>      Endwith
>      This.Drag()
>    Endif
>  Endproc
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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