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Global warming
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>>>>>>>Glacier before and after images
>>>>>>Then there are these glaciers that are growing, one at a rate of 7 feet per day.
>>>>>>Then there's this:
>>>>>And yesterday, an ice island four time the size of Manhattan broke away from Greenland. Heat isn't the culprit, it is rising sea levels. Why hasn't Jake been in here yelling at me? :))
>>>>I was on vacation! ;)
>>>>For the most part, I've given up talking about global warming. It's a complete and utter fraud. Those who still believe are either economically invested, ignorant of the facts or delusionally religiously attached to the concept of evil man's affect on gaia.
>>>Yeah - not like HUMANS could have ANY effect on the earth - right?
>>What did that poor strawman ever do to you? ;)
>I just find it bizarre when people think we can keep doing as we have and expect the earth to be just fine. You know what - try telling that to the 10,000+ people that USED to live on Lohachara island!! Or the folks on Vanuatu that had to leave....or perhaps talk to the people of Ghoramara where 2/3's of the island are underwater now. I don't expect the Carteret Islands to last until the end of the decade and as for the people from what used to be Lohachara island and the soon to be gone Ghoramara island - well they fled to Sagar and it's already lost 7,500 acres of land to the sea.

Ah rising sea level, that old canard. As I mentioned in the other thread, please update your information.
See Empirical Constraints on Future Sea-Level Rise from the PALSEA team.
Note that the authors are talking about worst-case scenarios leading to “0.59m and 1.4m”; if the trend of the past 50 years continues (from Figure 1), sea level will rise around 0.20 meters (around 8 inches) by 2100.

and then there was this retraction :

Before you bring up other, old, false and or fradulent claims let me head you off. Amazon forest loss, himilayan gracier retreat, rampant wildfires and stronger hurricanes as a result of global warming have all been disproven.

>Oh but it's all a 'complete and utter fraud'.... Riiiiiiiiight.

The "experts" in the field have claimed for decades that the main 3 temperature records are independent. We now know that not not only are those records not independent, but were based on the same error-ridden proxies and incomplete, inadequate surface stations. These are the main dataset which the scientists in the field have been using for their models. What happens with bad data in? Think about it! Why do you think the "keepers" of the datasets fought so hard to keep their methodology private? What would you call it?

I must admit, it is still fun to engage. ;)

>>>>I have a number of left leaning and a couple of true believer liberal friends. I had successfully educated most of them prior to Climategate and once that broke and I turned them onto the whitewashes they watched for themselves as the whole fraud unravelled. All but 1. I spoke with the last holdout 2 weeks ago and she has finally come down from the ledge. It took me the better part of the decade but she can finally see through this crap. ;)
>>>>Update : I forgot to respond regarding the glacier. ;)
>>>>This thing is hyped as "an “ice island” four times the size of Manhattan". Roughly 100 sq miles.
>>>>Now, you have to go to the bottom of the article to find :
>>>>The last time such a massive ice island formed was in 1962 when Ward Hunt Ice Shelf calved a 230 square-mile island
>>>>If we're warming, shouldn't these be getting bigger? ;)
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Water separates the people of the world; wine unites them - anonymous
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