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Order restored in the universe ..
15/08/2010 13:48:10
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>>>After enduring kickball and stickball and good walks spoiled -
>>>The Browns and the Packers at Lambeau Field - THE NFL IS BACK !!!!
>>>God's in his Heaven. All's right with the world.
>>The NFL should hire you to work in the PR department ;-)
>>Actually that would be a spectacularly inspired arrangement, as off the wall a thought as it was. Win-win, as the hoary cliche goes. (It just came out that way, Charles, don't go there, lol). I am not holding my breath waiting for it to happen. You pride yourself on not having had a boss in however many years or decades -- kudos -- and the cultural fit with the corporate, buttoned down NFL might not be quite perfect, ahem. If all that stuff were off the board you would come up with some visionary ideas for them and would be well renumerated. Oh well. Besides, the jobs are probably already filled by the nephews and grandnephews of owners ;-)
>>Probably one of my sillier ideas. The NFL is big business and they undoubtedly have non-legacy PR help to the tune of bazillions a year. That's part of how they find themselves with their fingers on (up?) the pulse of American spectator sports. There is no question the NFL is the leading spectator sport in this country, and that wasn't true until recently. It just keeps pulling away.
>>I'll be watching, too, once the real games start ;-) I draw the line at exhibition games. Oh, sorry, they're called preseason games now, the work of an earlier marketing savant. And season ticket holders are obliged to pay for those games along with the real games, at the same price. Quite amazing.
>>PS -- It may amuse you to know the spell checker keeps trying to change "renumerated" to "remunerated" ;-)
>Betcha that's because the word is "remunerated"
>Main Entry: re·mu·ner·ate
>Pronunciation: \ri-ˈmyü-nə-ˌrāt\
>Function: transitive verb
>Inflected Form(s): re·mu·ner·at·ed; re·mu·ner·at·ing
>Etymology: Latin remuneratus, past participle of remunerare to recompense, from re- + munerare to give, from muner-, munus gift 
>1 : to pay an equivalent for <their services were generously remunerated>
>2 : to pay an equivalent to for a service, loss, or expense : recompense
>synonyms see pay
>— re·mu·ner·a·tor \-ˌrā-tər\ noun
>— re·mu·ner·a·to·ry \-rə-ˌtȯr-ē\ adjective 
>I think renumerated would mean re-numbered or something. <bg>
>You have to also consider that I got this excited about the new season of Project Runway starting too <g>
>I am nothing if not eclectic.

Now this is one of the cool things about this site. I was completely wrong. I have misunderstood that word all this time, and learn better. Mia culpa, mia maxima culpa. (Plucked from my limited vocabulary of pidgin Latin).

Have book recommendations been traded while I was away? I will pitch Kate Atkinson in there. I am reading one of her earlier ones, "Case Histories." Riveting. One of my favorite characters is the unimprovably named Binky Rain, an elderly lady who lives among cats, hates everyone, and has the verbal tick of speaking soft a's as e's -- he was efrican. There were several other passages in the same vein which I will leave you to discover at your own pleasure. Kate Atkinson has a voice. She bangs you from side to side like a thrill ride or a free fall.

You will like Julia, as we are intended to. She is the wild heart in the family and things start hopping when she shows upon. The dialo

There are several central characters, all written with tenderness. Don't worry, this is no tender Jane Austen tribute. She knows her F words from her C words and can keep them straight. Wow, what a poor description

I won't spoil the outcome for you in any way. Which I do not in fact know yet, being 70 pages before the end.


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