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Real or Fake?
19/08/2010 09:25:52
19/08/2010 09:17:25
Mike Sue-Ping
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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>>>>I totally believe it. Federer is an incredible athlete, probably the best individual athlete of our time along with Tiger Woods. Even his peers stand in awe of him. When it was suggested to Rafael Nadal that he was as good as Federer, Nadal said anyone who thinks that doesn't know anything about tennis. Roger has won 16 majors and I have won 6.
>>>>There was a great profile of him in The New Yorker a few weeks ago. One thing I learned was he had an out of control temper as a late teen. He has always seemed cool, calm, and collected so that surprised me. His career took off when he learned how to calm down.
>>>If anyone could do it, it would be him.
>>>My main observation about that video is that what he does is not a natural tennis stroke. At high levels, most if not all racquet sports are about muscle memory. He has spent thousands of hours associating a serving motion - or any overhead stroke - with hitting a ball at a precise downward angle to just clear a tennis net.
>>>In the video, he uses a serving motion, but he's hitting a target above head height, at speed, not a lob; in a tennis game that stroke would always be out. There's zero percentage in practising shots like that, it would actually be counterproductive to programming his muscle memory.
>>>So, making an unnatural, unpractised stroke like that, overcoming muscle memory, is impressive. Maybe unbelievable - but again, if anyone could do it, it would be him.
>>He has the most ferocious topspin I have ever seen. The ball skims over the net, bites the turf, and kicks past the end line like a rocket. Practically unreturnable.
>As good as Roger's topspin may be, Rafa has the highest RPM topsin stat. I don't remember what it is though.
>The comments about being able to hit a ball and skimming over the net during serving (and hitting down) is not always a good thing. It's great for a flat serve, but the safe serve (higher percentage shot) is to spin it in which actually requires you to swing UP at the ball - not down. Watching pro tennis on TV often fails to show how high the ball actually clears the net most of the time.
>Roger is a fantastic athlete but I don't believe that video. What's even more difficult to believe is that the schmuck was willing to do that stunt - TWICE. The video would have been more popular if he got smacked in the eye - TWICE :)

I agree with you. Last week I watched Forrest Gump. Tom Hanks may be a good table tennis player, but knowing that Forrest Gump won six Oscars, one was for visual effects, you don't have to be a genius to understand that they cheated a little bit. Forrest Gump was made in 1994, so I guess even Proctor & Gamble should be able to create the same effects today.


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