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New BI group in NY - Kevin Goff is the first speaker
26/08/2010 09:34:26
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Microsoft SQL Server
Business Intelligence
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SQL Server 2008
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>>>>>>>>>I can't even begin to describe how bizarrely miswritten that is (by Andrew Brust, whoever he is). But have fun.
>>>>>>>>>Mr. Beane,
>>>>>>>>>First, Andrew wrote some of that and I wrote some. It is out of sheer morbid curiosity that I ask what significant issue you have with it.
>>>>>>>>>Second, Andrew Brust is a well-known speaker and author, a former MS Region Manager, and a CTO for a highly respected company in Manhattan. I accept that even a household name (which Andrew is, in the SQL/BI area) isn't known in EVERY household, but Andrew is known in most.
>>>>>>>>You would think with all that going for him he could put together a more coherent message.
>>>>>>>>I guess I am just being pissy. Good luck with the presentation. As much as we bicker back and forth, I do respect your technical knowledge.
>>>>>>>Well, Mike. You got me on this one. It seems perfectly coherent to me, but then I suppose I could have dyslexia and just not be aware of it.
>>>>>>I thought the announcement of the meeting was really, really badly written. It's as simple as that. I could have kept my mouth shut, which probably would have been the wiser move, Things have been bearing down on me lately like bricks and maybe I took it out on that message. People who think they are so darned smart don't always write well. And I thought that was one of the points of going to college.
>>>>>How do you know the author of that message either thinks he is "so darned smart" or that he went to college when you didn't even know who it was?
>>>>>I have read too many messages of yours which contain an insult and then an attempt to temper it with a compliment (see above). Then the attempt at pity. (see above again). You need help NOW. Even if you are not drinking, you are on the brink and looking for a reason to drink. You are looking for a fight. Go for a run. Go for a bike ride. Get a real punching bag. Lift weights. Whatever it is, get help. Call your sponsor!!!!!!! Call a friend!!!!!
>>>>Thanks, Tracy. Yes, I am on the brink and looking for a fight. Not sure about looking for a reason to drink, I work really hard on not thinking about that.
>>>>You say talk to my sponsor. I don't have one. I had one and he was worse off than me. Also -- not trying to give myself an excuse to drink -- I have lost a lot of faith in AA. It's been two years and it's not taking on. IMO it's a great program if you have the underlying faith to begin with. If you do not have spiritual belief and faith (like you had at 5) it's a tough program to embrace. Dr. Bob and Bill W. had faith right down to their shoes. The group -- first there were just two of them, then three -- was founded in that spirit.
>>>>Please bear in mind that I have two problems. One in alcoholism. The other is depression. It's a really bad combination.
>>>Take a step back and take stock Mike> You can't afford to be without a support group.
>>>You even seemed to have p__sed off Mr Hankey (no mean achievement).
>>I sure did and hope Charles and I reach a reaccomodation.
>>You can't blame Charles. You don't serve the positions he did (still mysterious) in his distant past without having a capacity for anger.
>Mike, I'm not angry at *you*. I easily separate ideas from people and never take intellectual argument personally. Recently, as Kevin and I were exchanging vociferous disagreement about women's right in Turkey, I was posting messages praising his incredibly skillful technical writing in Code magazine and elsewhere.
>I can be very arrogant and unforgiving when pushed in debate, but I never confuse the debater with the proposition they are defending. I am attacking the idea, not the individual.
>I really saw a change in the tenor of your posts that I found disturbing. I guess I cared enough about that to abandon my more traditional approach to disagreement.
>Lighten up. I know you have a problem with the higher power things in AA but I would bet you are not the only one. The higher power can be your goal of being sober and happy. It can be The Great Spaghetti Monster. Don't get hung up on the details.
>And depression is chemically treatable. See some real experts on that. Doing so has saved the lives of more than one of my friends - and my wife.

I will lighten up. I will fly to the skies.

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