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A Wow! Just Wow. Moment
27/08/2010 15:56:47
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I was agreeing with you that the ultra-right and ultra-left are the same in that they cannot be moved from their positions because those positions are a product of their faith in their beliefs regardless of facts. They want to be "right" as opposed to "correct".

>(the quotebacks are out of order -- I am replying to your most recent post about contrary evidence).
>Are you saying there is evidence to support conservative views? If yours are in that direction we can constructively disagree. No problem. Where I have a problem is when people assert this is the only possible view.
>>>And ultra right wingers are different how? ;-)
>>Anyone who holds their opinions in the face of contrary evidence is operating on faith not facts.
>>>Have not seen you here much lately and hope all is well.
>>>>No point in discussing anything with her, Jake. There's something about ultra-left-wingers where it stops becoming a philosophy and becomes a religion. You can't argue with a deeply held religious conviction since logic is now out the door and it's all faith-based.
>>>>>Background : My wife and I participate in a food group with 6 other people. We get together once a month and rotate hosts. It's well known that the political spectrum amongst the group runs from libertarian (me) to socialist with a couple Republicans, Democrats and the disinterested. Politics almost never comes up and the few times it has is usually a minor jab in jest.
>>>>>Between courses of our last dinner, I'm sitting outside with the socialist. I knew she's a looney, but I had no idea just how far off the left end of the spectrum she resided. I know she volunteered for Obama's campaign, has her radio permanently set to NPR and believes MSNBC is too right wing. Even that knowledge didn't prepare me for the gem she offered this night. We were discussing organic farming, free range animals and what's marketing vs. real and she caught me off guard with "I think that mass production, not just of food, but of everything is a big problem with the world today." 8O
>>>>>Just when I think I've heard it all...wow, just wow.
Wine is sunlight, held together by water - Galileo Galilei
Un jour sans vin est comme un jour sans soleil - Louis Pasteur
Water separates the people of the world; wine unites them - anonymous
Wine is the most civilized thing in the world - Ernest Hemingway
Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance - Benjamin Franklin

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