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Found a quote by Barry that pretty much sums up liberals
27/08/2010 21:12:04
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>>>>I think there is a huge difference between pro-choice and pro-abortion. I don't think many people at all are pro-abortion. There are a lot of people who believe in a woman's right to choose.
>>>I call BS on the semantics of the term "Pro-choice"
>>>The "Pro-choice" people have defined "Right to choose" into something that is not supported by the English language.. You ALWAYS have the right to CHOOSE ANY ACTION. What you don't have is the right to make that choice and avoid any legal sanctions for that action.
>>>I may believe in mercy killings and want the right to choose to put my father out of his pain-filled life. Would you allow me to have that choice? If the answer is no then your definition of "Pro-Choice" is inconsistent.
>>>To reduce it to a more absurd level.
>>>I may believe that it is OK to walk up to somebody and steal their money because I need a new computer. Would you allow me that choice? If the answer is no then your definition of "Pro-Choice" is inconsistent.
>>>What "Pro-Choice" really means is "I may not approve of that choice, but I believe that abortion should be legal and that those who choose to have one should not face any legal consequences."
>>>Or rephrase it to "I don't believe in abortion but don't believe it is sufficiently evil in the way (fill in your favorite crime) is and that society should not make laws making it illegal"
>>>Pro-Choice may not be Pro-abortion but it is most definitely Pro-Legalized-Abortion.
>>>FWIW, I tend to favor legalized abortion with many stipulations. I strongly dislike that people hide their beliefs behind "Right to choose"
>>This is a rare time we are in honest disagreement. I really don't think it has anything to do with disguised beliefs.
>The belief is that abortion should be a legal option. To say that "I'm not pro-abortion, I'm pro-choice" is to hide the belief that abortion should be legal (even if the speaker would never choose that option) behind a catch-phrase that doesn't admit abortion should be legal.
>>Maybe at the core of it is men should just jeep their noses out of this issue. Spoken as a male. I have some inkling, and you may, too, but IMO it's not something men should be deciding. Neither of us has any idea what a woman is going through when she faces that decision. I don't pass judgment and don't think you should either.
>My opposition to the term Pro-Choice is one of semantics.
>My disagreement with your statement is profound. Within the current context of society I don't pass judgment on a woman's decision to have/not have an abortion.
>But to say that this is something that only the woman should decide strikes me as strange (for want of a stronger word). I can't imagine that I, as the father, should have absolutely no say in the fate of the baby. If I don't want the child and the mother does........tough. And I pay child support for the next 18 years and perhaps beyond.
>If I want the child and the mother does not .........double tough. It's the mother's choice.
>Perhaps I'm mis-reading your comment and you are saying that men should not be involved in the decision as to whether or not abortion should be legal, rather than they should not be involved in the decision on a particular abortion. But my disagreement would still remain. I do not feel that this is a woman's issue. Abortion is a Family issue and the father is a part of the family.

No, that was not my meaning. My meaning was the woman should have by far the stronger voice. It's not like you or I are going to carry the bambino around in their stomach for nice months, to say nothing of the birth experience. That's not a slam on fathers. It's biological.

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