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More News From The Religion of Peace
31/08/2010 02:24:21
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>>>>You have a big mouth, and a background as a policeman. Now let's see if you are willing to play on the same conditions as I do. From now the messages between us will be in Norwegian, and you can use Google Language Tools to translate back and forth, just like I have to do, is that fine with you? I will not allow any misunderstandings or misinterpretations, just like you don't allow me any, is that also fine with you? OK, here we go.
>>>>Den originale meldingen som ble referert til i denne saken, omhandlet en hushjelp fra Sri Lanka som hadde fått banket inn 24 spikere i kroppen sin da hun jobbet jobbet i Saudi Arabia. Overskriften på meldingen var "flere nyheter fra religionen av fred", hvilket fikk meg til å spørre om hvilken kobling det var mellom denne forbrytelsen og religion. Jeg har så langt blitt skjelt ut på flere måter, men jeg har ikke fått svar på mitt spørsmål.
>>>>Your comments, please?
>>>Tore, I never said I could speak Norwegian. I will concede you are better at English than I am at Norgweigan. However, I was simply commenting on my assessment of your standard Anti-American opinions, which I find tiring. I'm sick of people from other countries trying to say the US should do this or that. The US is one of the few countries that is keeping the rest of the world from being run by communists, muslims, or some other ism that basically enslaves it's citizenry.
>>>I don't think I've ever seen you make a positive comment regarding the US. When I do, I will reassess my opinion. You may have the right to say what you want, but I have the right to not like it.
>>If my comments in this thread can be regarded as Anti-American, it only proves how difficult it is to WRITE in a foreign language. I have many American friends and have absolutely nothing against Americans. I will attend SWFox in October, I would be more than happy to meet you there and share a dinner and a few beers. I am sure that you would be surprised, I clearly have not been any good at presenting my own meanings.
>>When you TALK in another language, you don't have to be so careful with your words since you usually use more words and and misinterpretation will usually be cleared immediately. But when you write, every word is examined and taken literally, with no question asked whether what is written is what is actually meant. My English may be fine, but I have thousands of samples where I have used wrong words, and where my meaning has not been the same as what I have written. So please be fair, and give me some slack, don't analyze every word I write. If in doubt, please rephrase what I have written, and ask me whether this is what I actually meant. You would most likely be surprised, and I am the first to apologize for that.
>>One last comment, which I hope I will be able to explain in a way that it will not be misinterpreted or misunderstood. UT has members from all over the world. When I see a thread which only have American members writing, and which I see can offend people from other parts of the world, I will from time to time write a small message in an attempt to regain some balance in the discussion. I understand that some of these messages may be considered as Anti-American, but that's not the meaning of my message. I only want people from other parts of the world to see that there are people who see that there are people with other meanings. And often the meaning I try to express is not my own, but I am open minded enough to discuss a topic from different angels.
>You make a good argument. I will take another look at your positions, from this perspective. If I happen to get to go to SWFox, I would be proud to share a meal and brewsky or two.

I hope you will take the trip to SWFox, I have attended it several times before. The total cost of attending the conference is high for me, but it's still worth the price. Plus I get the chance to meet many of my American and other foreign friends. Hopefully more people will see it the same way.

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