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More sad news
22/09/2010 06:47:59
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>>>>>Frost is likely tonight.
>>>>>Clearing skies across Northern Alberta this evening will allow temperatures to drop below freezing tonight. This will be the final frost warning for the fall of 2010.
>>>>A little frost sounds ideal right now. Still dealing with 90 degree F temps and our average is 78 this time of year.... As is typical though of North Carolina, it will go from 90 degree highs to a high of 50 sometime in October. We always seem to miss the autumn here.... Wisconsin had absolutely beautfiful autumns....
>>>It still does. I am thinking of heading up to Door County for a weekend when foliage is at its peak three or four weeks from now. You have to enjoy it because you know what's coming next. Along with early spring, early autumn is the best time of year here. Halloween seems to be the hinge. It's very pleasant into late October, beautiful colors and comfortable sleeping temperatures. Then whammo, duck and cover. November is the pits. It's gray and dreary the whole month and it gets steadily colder.
>>You should appreciate it for what it is.
>>those bleak winter landscapes can make some wonderful photos.
>>Don Mccullin was well known war photographer and now takes a lot of pictures in the Someret levels.
>You guys are lucky, you get dreary weather year round ;-)
>I was fortunate enough to work in London the summer Charles and Di were married. My hotel was not far from the Strand and I headed down to the parade route at about 5 a.m. It was already jammed with people who had slept on the sidewalk for good spots. The day was gorgeous, bright and sunny. I'm sure TV viewers around the globe thought, Oh, England is nice in the summer. Ha!
>That was a really memorable occasion, 30 years ago now. There was some cynicism about it at the time, crabbing about the royal family being an anachronism and citizens organizing bus trips out of the country on the day. Call me a romantic but to me it was terrific. After hours of waiting, endless limos bearing foreign heads of state, finally Charles and his brother came by in their vehicle and last was Diana in her glass carriage. They were selling small Union Jacks for 10p and everyone was waving them, so you couldn't see much, but just a glimpse was worth it.

I'm afraid I'd be in paragraph 2 mike.

I was launching myself round Europe at high speed on a Suzuki GSX1100 at the time. The only bit I saw was 10 seconds in a Swiss service station. And the roads where covered in sand when I got back in Central London(stops the horses falling over apparently)

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