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Aliens to arrive today!
16/10/2010 10:42:17
16/10/2010 04:42:42
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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>>>If the ETs come, my gut feeling is that people will get out and watch.
>>Booga booga - More likely what is being seen are devices from the Nevada desert test areas. Although :-O there were a lot of sightings in the NewYork area - See the map at http://www.mufon.com.
>Say, is this AI that you're talking about your neural network project? The tiles seem to be falling into their places... unless these are their wrong places. Is this it?

And here is what I think about UFOs that are not a hoax.

I have been following MUFON for quite a while and I pay particular attention to the map of sightings. First, allow me state the obvious. The vast majority of sightings are over the continental United States. This tells us a couple of things may be happening.

1. Beings from other solar systems are visiting and observing the United States, or:

2. The United States has immense research underway that, because of its alleged sensitivity, cannot be divulged to the general public and more importantly, the world.

Both statements may be true but Occam's razor says the second statement is the likely choice. After all, we know of area fifty one and there are possibly unknown research sites as well. Inside the continental USA, the south west is where most UFO sightings occur. The south west is where Area fifty one is located, also Edwards air force base, White Sands missile test range and many more military test and development areas.

As of this date, it is known that the U.S. Navy is testing the unmanned X47 somewhat triangle shaped pilotless airplane. The U.S. Air Force has the X37 in space on a mission that they will not speak about. Boeing has developed a 747 with a laser that is capable of shooting down ICBMs. Boeing is testing the X45 unmanned bomber. And do not overlook scram jets which have dropped out of the news for a couple of years. A scram type jet, looks like a triangle and can move at about five times the speed of sound. Is it a replacement for the SR71? Maybe. The F117 has jet engine nozzles in the wings which amounts to a larger thrust area and reduced noise. The noise reduction technology is probably employed in some of the new models. All of the launches and testing take place in and over the USA. Also take into account that a couple of years ago a cloaking material was developed and by now it may have been modified to be applied to an airframe.

Above is just the information that I have noticed while reading the news. Can you imagine what information is not being released to the general public? Consider this statement I heard on a reasonable documentary about the UFO phenomenon. I'll quote it as closely as I can remember, "What is going on in the deserts of Nevada is fifty years ahead of anything you can begin to imagine." That is an astounding statement. If you are old enough, think back fifty years to what life was like in 1960. No lasers, no space travel, maybe one satellite named Telstar and a couple of Sputniks, Passenger jets were coming of age, no cell phones only hard wired home phones, television was just beginning to offer color pictures, cars were made out of iron, fast food was a rare treat. You get the picture. We have advanced more in the past fifty years than at any other time in the history of mankind. September 2010: A recent observed crash of a triangle shaped object [TR-3B Aurora] in the hills near the air base in Fresno supports the above information. After a short flurry of sighting information and even video, information on the event quickly dried up.

Personally, I am still not convinced, but perhaps, just perhaps, there was a crash near Roswell and a few other places. We may have managed to glean a bit of technology from the debris. The truth is that we have pushed ahead very fast and hard in the technology area in fifty years. But, unless there is travel through worm holes available somewhere else in the universe, the chance that any alien craft has visited us is very slim as the distance is light years between them and us, if 'they' are there at all.

I think it is time to give the hidden research, that is taking place, the credit it deserves. I am sure there are some astounding devices being researched and tested in the sky over the U.S.A. and scientists are to be commended for their work.

Based on the available evidence, it gives me great pleasure to be the first to announce that an anti gravity craft has been developed and it is presently being testing in the skies over the USA. Well, that is what I think is happening. Space exploration is in desperate need for a new engine. Chemical rockets are not good enough for mankind to be able to leave the solar system and return. Gravity must be controlled to achieve space exploration as it should be done.

China continues satellite maneuvers therefore the satellites of the USA, China and probably Russia have the capability to change direction in space. Right angle turns may be possible. Sightings of very high star like UFO sightings may be satellites.
I ain't skeert of nuttin eh?
Yikes! What was that?

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