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Court shuts down LimeWire
27/10/2010 16:36:13
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>>>>>oooh this is going to make such a huge difference to music sharing on the internet...it's all over!
>>>>>Well I guess now people will have to learn to use torrents.
>>>>My older daughter is off to college this fall. She says one of the adjustments she has had to make is Limewire is blocked on the college network.
>>>>Not to defend all the practices of the music industry, but I have always considered free downloads stealing. A generation has grown up thinking music is free. That model is unsustainable.
>>>So you consider it stealing, but by your own words your daughter has been using it. ...
>>You know as well as I do that past a certain point we don't control our children. I disagree with them about music downloads.
>I know. :o) My smiley isn't there and it should have been...

No problem. I am feeling grouchy today. My new job pays well but the VFP app is very complex and the brothers who wrote it are both gone from the scene. There are evidently lawsuits going on, which of course I was not told about. The app runs the whole company and I'm the guy who is supposed to keep it running with no road map.

On the plus side, there is a nice Chinese restaurant nearby ;-) My fortune cookie should say "You will find a new challenge."

The spinsters will be reunited this weekend. Emily is going up to UW-Milwaukee to spend the Halloween weekend with Allie. (She is going to be costumed as Tom Cruise in "Risky Business." If you figure that one out, please let me know). She is also going to tour Marquette with Allie's friend Julia, who goes there. Marquette has already offered her a free application and scholarships. I have urged her to apply just to have a safety school. The schools at the top of her list (Stanford, Brown, Yale) are all hard to get into so it only makes sense.

It will be the end of an era tomorrow night. It will almost certainly be the end of Emily's volleyball career. They play their archrivals, those haughty hussies <g> from Grant HS of Fox Lake, and then the defending state champs at 7:30 if they win the first match. She has been playing since 5th grade. She has been good enough to make the varsity as a sophomore and be co-captain this season but this is as far as she will go unless she wants to go to some dippy college. She is letting it go. She is focused on going to a good school and finding a good career. It's almost scary how forward looking she has always been.

I don't normally brag about my kids so will get it all out of my system at once. Earlier this week we found out Emily has been named a Youth of the Month in her school district. They name one in each HS grade each month. They give the student a plaque and take the students and their parents out to breakfast. (It used to be lunch at a hamburger-hot dog-gyros greasy spoon called Sammie's. I agree with Emily that Panera is a step up). I can take breakfast or leave it but it's nice to know Emmo has caught attention other than mine.

Actually I am happy to be so proud of her. To bring a child into the world, nurture them, and see them turn out well is the greatest pleasure in life. And now I will shut up about my kids, LOL.

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