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Sen. Rockefeller Suggests Eliminating FOX, MSNBC
22/11/2010 13:37:11
22/11/2010 13:12:39
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>Their information is out of date. It isn't the school of the americans any longer, it is the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation and is basically used to train Latin American soldiers in combat, counterinsurgency and counter-narcotics.

Yeah but SOAW has the stationary printed and the domain name and ...

>>Uhm.. What a long response to a very simple question... {g}
>>Well story is still unfolding. We will know all details in a few days I guess.
>>Meanwhile it is nice to know that there are people in US who oppose 'SOA' (stands for 'School of Assasins') practices,
>>and better yet that there are journalists still interested in reporting events like this. Even if it is only one International channel.
>>I watched multiple videos on this event, and googled desperately on FoxNews / oRaily crew covering this event, but surprisingly did not find any! (Nor any other US media for that matter).
>>How is that possible ? Are they already (God Forbid!) banned ? ;))
>>>>>(At the end of the day, we do live in a free world, don't we) ;)
>>>>>Well, some of us are freer than others.... (at least for now)
>>>>>Apologies for attempts or even interest to censor Fox news are shameful (and I'm not even a big Fox news fan)
>>>>Foreign news crew (RT) got arrested yesterday for filming peaceful demonstrations in front of Fort Benning.
>>>>I guess even 'interest to arrest' a press crew would be 'shameful' in your book, so how do you see actual arrest taking place ?
>>>There is a slant (sadly) in that story. According to a friend of mine (at Benning), he could not get into work and had to drive around to the other gate (due to the protestors in the middle of the road). He said he saw a couple of folks climbing the fence and knew there would be trouble (cannot climb a fence to gain entrance to a federal base). Videos in this case are important. Were they arrested for filming or for blocking the entrance and road or for climbing the fence or just caught in the melee? Most likely an over reaction by the police and the journalists got caught in the confusion (and probably wandering about trying to film and actually in the road).
>>>FYI, That's a demonstration that takes place every year. Caught in the melee for shutting down the road:
>>>The activists briefly shut down the road with a large sign that said, "Stop: This is the End of the Road for the SOA." Their action is part of a longstanding tradition of creative civil disobedience to call attention to the atrocities committed by graduates of the School of the Americas. 10-12 people were arrested, and others charged, including the 90-year old Jesuit priest Bill Brennan, and ordained Catholic priest Janice Sevre-Duszynska.
>>>Two human rights activists crossed onto Fort Benning through the highway entrance. They have been charged with federal trespass and face up to six months in federal prison and a fine up to $5,000.
>>>When the rally participants tried to leave the vigil area, the police blocked off all exit points. After a few minutes, the police allowed people to leave on the sidewalk, only to follow them, indiscriminately arresting people who had neither committed any crimes nor engaged in civil disobedience. Among those arrested were journalists, who were filming the police misconduct and bystanders. All arrestees are currently being held in the Muscogee County Jail for up to a $5,500 bond.

>>>Hendrik Voss, a spokesman for School of the Americas Watch, said the police had overreacted.
>>>Capt. J. D. Hawk of the Columbus Police Department disputed that. “The police weren’t very aggressive at all,” he said. The number of arrests, Captain Hawk said, was smaller than he had expected given information about the organizers’ plans gathered in the days leading up to the protest

>>>Ft. Benning says four were arrested after climbing the fence. That's in addition to the 24 Columbus police arrested Saturday on Victory Drive. Police say they were endangering themselves and others by sitting in the roadway.
>>>Any videos are important to prove what did and did not occur.


Charles Hankey

Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened.
- Thomas Hardy

Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

-- T. S. Eliot
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
- Ben Franklin

Pardon him, Theodotus. He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.

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