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Tax Policy Effect
02/12/2010 14:08:32
John Baird
Coatesville, Pennsylvania, United States
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>>>>>>The pro-extending comments come from those who have the most to gain. The fact remains that there has been a historically unprecedented transfer of wealth to the rich. The upper 1% have gained enormously and all the rest of us have lost ground. That's fact.
>>>>>The anti-extending comments come from those who have the most to gain. The left wants to redistribute the wealth of others earned by hard work and a lifetime of dedication to those who get welfare checks...
>>>>You are not dealing with facts and I am out of this conversation. You are spouting blind ideology. I had more respect for you than this. The redistribution has not been from all of us working people to welfare recipients. It has been to the top 1% from all the rest of us. That's the exact opposite of what you are stubbornly asserting.
>>>>I still do respect you but this was not your finest hour.
>>>I still haven't heard any response to the facts on what the tax increase will be for those making 50,000/yr and more. Did you look at the tax chart?
>>>The taxt chart only:
>>>I don't mean to argue politically (right versus left) on this. My question is economic - do you think the tax increases for those in the lower income groups is worth the cost? for example, a family making 50,000/yr with two kids will see a tax increase of $2,900.00
>>>If they only rollback the sections dealing with incomes above 250,000/yr then those tax increases won't happen. However, if nothing is done and the entire package rolls back, that's exactly what will happen.
>>>So far, I have only seen this issue addressed online and on CNN which surprises me.
>>Tracy, you can URL me all you like but I am not agreeing to change the subject. We have had a seismic redistribution of wealth to the richest Americans. That was my point and remains so. We have a bigger gap between rich and poor now than the so-called banana republics. 50K per year is not the point.
>In other words, don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is already made up...

Thou doth protest too much. Would it kill you to say maybe you were wrong? I am not even asking for that, I just get impatient with certain forms of debate. My point was that there has been significant redistribution of wealth in this country. If you want to dispute that with facts and logic, bring it on.

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