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Maybe Sarah Palin wasn't 100% wrong on the Death Panels
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"What's all this hubbub about Ovaltine? I think it's so much better than ordinary chocolate milk." (best Emily Litella voice)

There was a funny political cartoon in the paper the other day. Obama is standing between two men shouting at him. The one on the left (that's interesting) is shouting "Socialist!" The one on the right is shouting "Sellout!" Obama, a pacifist look on his face, says something about being a unifier.

UPDATE: Here ya go. It's an up to the minute wired world, we just live in it.

>Tracy - No offense taken. Likewise, i hope i did not offend. After many months away, to read 2 posts in 3 days time (starting the day back) liking the Obama admin to commi and iranian gubmints (a slow week here perhaps?), i felt i had fallen thru the Overton rabbit hole. It is commendable of you to attempt to move the comments past the hyperbole.
>>I apologize if I offended you. That wasn't my intention. I was referring to changing my comments from the original into "fevered rightwing media, rightwing political bloggers, and the "Obama Admin Similar To Commies"
>>it turns it from a discussion on the appropriateness of the FDA discontinuing support for the drug and any discussion on the healthcare plan and pieces of it that might be better served if changed, to pure political hyperbole...
>>>Thats rich. Pointing out the hyperbole and demagoguery of the soviet/commi/deathpanel/obama comparisons of a post here and with the preponderance of rightwing outrage over the decision which they offer while ignoring the medical opinions of the oncologists means i'm politicizing it? Up is now down i guess. I'm sure there are people across the political spectrum who are very disappointed in the FDAs decision. But to pretend that the death panel hysteria is not overwhelmingly owned by the right is laughable. I'm disappointed that you even remotely think that this is a "everyone does it" example. Frankly, people pointing out the rheteroic may help to lower the rheteroic. But i doubt it.
>>>>I've seen this rhetoric about this specific drug on both right and left wing sites (I'll try to find a link later) so it's not just the right-wing anti-Obama healthcare folks now. It's also not just right-wing folks who are concerned or upset about the healthcare bill either. I am disheartened that you have politicized it even more in this thread with the same political rhetoric. :( It just keeps the rhetoric going...
>>>>>Agreed. I'm surprised you didnt offer your opinion to Kevin earlier ;)
>>>>>To fix your post just a bit...
>>>>>==>> The fevered rightwing media, rightwing political bloggers, and the "Obama Admin Similar To Commies" posters here like to portray .....
>>>>>Your 'tough part' comment is spot on. But the drug would still be available and affordable to the John Galts out there. It would appear that Medicare would not be covering it (for breast cancer treatment?), which I would have thought dovetails somewhat with the GOP's historical antipathy toward the socialist Medicare system in general and the TeaParty/GOP's desire to dismantle it and replace it with a voucher system.
>>>>>>Politics and opinions invade breast cancer treatment. :(
>>>>>>Most likely it has nothing to do with politics or the Obama healthcare plan (this began years ago). The media and political bloggers like to portray it as so though. It seems that it may be a universal decision:
>>>>>>The tough part in this decision is the recommendation that came with the decision. It is recommended that patients currently receiving the drug follow their doctors advice and continue if the doctor recommends it and stop if their doctor recommends that. Due to the decision, continuing won't be possible if insurance companies or the government no longer fund it - it will only be possible for those who have the income to pay for it out of pocket.
>>>>>>>Are you in the conspiracy camp that claims the 12 oncologists that comprise the 13 member oncology advisory committee -- after reviewing the results of the 2 new trials -- are lying when they offered their medical opinion as to the effectiveness and toxicity of Avastin in the trials.... in order to blindly promote Vladimir Obama's healthcare plan? Or the conspiracy camp that claims the FDA should have ignored the 12-to-1 recommendation of the oncology advisory board... in order to blindly promote Vladimir Obama's healthcare plan?
>>>>>>>>I doubt most of the major media outlets will report the entire story on this - they're too fearful of standing up to ObamaCare.
>>>>>>>>While Avastin has, on average, only managed to extend the lives of women with late-stage breast cancer by 5-6 months, some have stayed alive for far longer.
>>>>>>>>And for us men, note the line at the bottom of the story about the drug Provenge.
>>>>>>>>I look at the U.S. - and I look at communist countries - and at times, I have to wonder what the difference is.

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