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NFL conference championships
23/01/2011 20:47:23
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The Jets made a nice comeback. Like the Bears, though, they came up a little short. Quite similar games, really, totally dominated by one team in the first half and then a second half rally. I hope and believe the Super Bowl will be a better game from start to finish. Gonna be a lot of yellow, that's for sure ;-)

I just browsed the approximately 783 Bears stories on the Tribune site and am backing off what I said about Cutler. He will have an MRI today but it sounds like he wracked up his knee for sure. Olin Kreutz said he could see it wobbling in the huddle just before halftime. It is also reported that it was the coaches' decision to remove Cutler, not his. As David Haugh says in his excellent column (and he is not always my favorite), it would have been nice if the Bears had made it clear that Cutler had been taken out and it was not his decision. There was a Fox reporter right there on their sideline. (Didn't they ask? It was not reported by Buck and Aikman). Haugh makes another good point, which you also make -- what the heck was Todd Collins doing in there?! He subbed for Cutler when Cutler was out with a concussion during the season and was just as awful then. He hadn't played in an NFL game in years and it showed.,0,5643898.column

>50 years from now it will be a trivia question as to why showing complete lack of confidence in a QB is called "treating him like a Todd Collins"
>Pulling him before the fourth quarter was a roll of the dice that was either amazingly desperate or amazingly boneheaded.
>I also think Cutler may get some bad press.
>Jets are showing some life but I'm still thinking Pittsburgh by three touchdowns.
>>The outcome was somewhere in between our expectations, not that it makes it any more pleasant for me. I am okay with it, and am sure I will be fired up for the Packers by the Super Bowl, but at the moment it stings more than I expected. It did surprise me that they came so close after being down 14-0, playing feebly on offense, and down to the 3rd string QB. Hanie was terrific. But those two interceptions were killers.
>>I don't know what the deal was with Jay Cutler's knee. Of course I am in no position to know how bad it was, but he did tell the coaches at halftime he didn't know how it happened. Seems like a lot of guys would have stayed in that game if they could walk. That's the knock on Cutler, that he doesn't seem to have a burning fire. OTOH Hanie did far better than he did so it worked out all right today.
>>After coming out like a house afire Rodgers came back to earth. They probably need him to play better than that in the Super Bowl. That defense is probably going to keep them in it, though. I don't know if they have really gotten their due with all the emphasis on the passing game.
>>Kudos also to their punt coverage team. They kicked it to Hester a lot and they were all over him.
>>I guess I don't need to trot out the lyrics to "Bear Down, Chicago Bears" I was going to lay on you ;-)
>>>Rogers is playing about as well as a QB can right now. I think it is going to be GB in a walk.
>>>Jets are not going to do well against Steelers. Steelers by at least a touchdown if Polamalu is healthy.
>>>and in a GB-Steelers SB - pick 'em - but a game for the ages
>>>Pretty much depends on injuries in the conference championships.
>>>>I am not making predictions because I always seem to wind up cheering for my predictions instead of the teams I really want to win. Such vanity, but there you have it.
>>>>The focus here, as you might imagine, is on the Bears-Packers game Sunday afternoon. This is a Bears town and any old Packers game is always a heightened occasion. To be playing for a spot in the Super Bowl, it's through the roof. It's all anyone is talking about, other than a little about the cold. (Predicted temperature at kickoff on Sunday is 18F, which is about normal for Chicago in late January). Scalpers say they have never seen prices like these.
>>>>I am a bit of an anomaly. The basic rule is if you like the Bears you hate the Packers, and vice versa. In my case they are my two favorite teams. I have cheered for the Packers since I was a kid. I liked their uniforms and from the vantage point of Maine, Green Bay seemed exotic. "Instant Replay," which is on any short list of best sports books, cemented it. Later on I found myself living in Chicago and am first and foremost a Bears fan. But I cheer for the Packers any time they aren't playing the Bears. In any case I will be cheering for the winner in the Super Bowl.
>>>>My gut says the Packers are going to win. Since getting healthy after a wave of injuries they have been close to unstoppable. Their defense is also playing well. The initial line had the Packers as 3 point favorites, then so much money came in on the Packers it went up from there. The line remains at 3 1/2.
>>>>But you never know. The Bears have exceeded my expectations all year long. The preseason predictions had them 3rd if not 4th in their division. They went through all kinds of pain on the offensive line -- most infamously allowing 10 sacks by the Giants in a Sunday night game -- before finding a unit that is getting the job done. (Tip of the hat to Mike Tice). Their defense is playing very well, especially stuffing the run. They're playing at home; there will be no Lambeau leaps. Game on! There really is more excitement here than there was the last time they were in the Super Bowl.
>>>>Over in the junior conference <g>, I understand they will be playing a game as well. I don't care that much for either the Steelers or the Jets but have to say I will be cheering for the Jets. Rex Ryan may be obnoxious but I like the players all right. And they don't have a serial sexual molester at quarterback.

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