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11/02/2011 07:56:14
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>>>>>>>>or die..
>>>>>>>Bill, I truly do not get this reverse jihad of yours. You continue to condemn an entire religion of a billion and a half people for the actions of a few. Every religion has its knuckleheads.
>>>>>>Please cite current examples of frequent (daily usually) murders (and other atrocities) of civilians by a religious group.
>>>>>That doesn't sound like a lot of fun but I will if you will. The story you posted was not about murders and atrocities. It was about wacky curriculum presented to 5000 Muslim students.
>>>>You claim 'every religion has its' knuckleheads', seeming to try to equate Islam with other large religions.
>>>>Please cite current examples of frequent (daily usually) murders (and other atrocities) of civilians by a religious group.
>>>I heard a lecture by a professor last week which was very interesting. He stated that we in the "western world" had a time period which he called "the information period" where schools for absolutely everybody was introduced, among other things. In the middle eastern countries they haven't had that period, in a way their evolution "jumped over" that step. So in a way you can say that these people are a few hundred years behind us in mental thinking, if you understand what I mean. This is why it's extremely difficult for us to understand what goes on in their minds, and vice versa.
>>That is very true.
>>They seem to work very hard to keep information from themselves. They work at reversing evolution.
>I don't want to participate in any discussion or argument, I only want to tell what this professor said. Unfortunately he was much better at telling this, but I will summarize a few more things he said.
>If you go back in time a few generations, and compare what most people thought then to what most people think today, the difference is HUGE. For instance people were sure that some people were worthless, so instead they were used as slaves and as sex objects. Only a few decades ago we had the race conflicts, where people with different skin color had to use separate buses and go to different schools. When I was a boy, homosexuality was considered an abnormality. I can go on and on giving you samples, but you get the picture. I think "mind set" is the correct word?
>The people you judge so hard, also live with a completely different mind set than we do. I agree that we need to explain and convince these people that their mind set is wrong. But we can't force them into changing their mind, we have to tell them and convince them. Their mind set is behind ours by at lest one generation. Hopefully their mind set will change, and I applaud your effort in that work. But you have to use the right "tools", repeated criticism is not one of them, it may actually backfire. And killing them or calling them stupid is also not the right tool, it inly widens the gap between the mind sets.
>In at least one other message you ask for samples of recent killings done by Christians. This is simply not fair, given what I just wrote. The people you judge sort of live in another time zone, maybe fifty to a hundred year behind us. So asking for killings done by Christians fifty to a hundred years ago is actually more relevant than recent killings,

If they weren't actively trying to kill anyone they decide isn't of the correct version of Islam, and if they didn't have the ability to do it worldwide on a mass scale, and if they weren't on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons which they WILL use, I'd say let them be.

The problem is, they are, they have, and they are. Now.

>>Read the Koran, listen to the local mullah tell them why it means they should kill most everyone, and that's about it. I'm not sure if women (owned by the men) are even allowed to read the Koran - they certainly are discouraged from education.
>>>NB! Please pardon my bad English on this subject, I found it pretty hard to summarize what he said.
>>>>>I hope you don't think I am some kind of Muslim cheerleader. I'm not. But they did not invent religious zealotry. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Crusades. I give you the present day campaign by Baptists to "save the Jews" from going to hell by accepting Christ as their savior. Insane zealotry is not confined to any one religion.
>>>>>OK, I'm out of this. It is standard wisdom not to debate religion. And I don't even have a horse in the race.
>>>>>Pitchers and catchers about to report. I think this is the Cubs' year ;-) (It was kind of amusing to read descriptions of the 15 long years since the Packers' last title).

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