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Is Silverlight the way forward
20/02/2011 13:00:31
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>It's well served because I know the language
That's like saying "I know how to use a hammer so I'll use it to drive in a screw"

>and it does the job really well.
That's what we're arguing - don't use it as a conclusion.

> ActiveVFP is very much like PHP - simple scripting text files. Just change some text and done.
Change some text, fire up the page, see what it looks like, make some changes, fire up the page, loop while....

>Data is fast, fast, fast.
Not for the type of data access usually required for a web app where you normally need a short-lived connection to pull in small amounts of data. Also it needs to usually be up 24/7. How are you going to do backups in VFP? How are you going to update the site (code or data structure) without taking it down?

> HTML page construction is especially easy and fast because of VFP's extremely strong string handling capabilities.
Extremely strong compared to?

I could go on and on. What's not to like?
All of the above :-}

>PHP is 32-bit, has no problem being marketed, and is actually kicking Microsoft's a$$ in web applications. This is beyond dispute!!
PHP is certainly popular - but mainly because of LAMP usage. But I don't see how this is relevant to your choice of VFP.

>If I want 64-bit with Foxpro I can always go to a 64-bit SQL backend where 64-bit actually makes a difference. 32 bit applications (no data) are actually faster than 64 bit or didn't you know that??
I know it can be true in some circumstances - but not in others. Anyway if you are going against a 64-bit SQL you will still have to use a clunky 32-bit ODBC driver so I'm not sure how much real benefit you would gain?

> And VFP mtdlls are indeed multi-threaded dlls and support full multi-threading and multi-cores.
I thought MTDLL's used apartment threading. I don't think that qualifies as true multithreading and there's certainly no internal multithreading support in VFP.

>>You think it is easier to market an unsupported 32-bit single-threaded solution that was never remotely intended for a web hosted environment?
>Yes, fun and easy - I've developed many, many, many web apps in ActiveVFP, west-wind, .NET and PHP. Definitely PHP and ActiveVFP are the most fun to develop in!

OK. Have fun - I've a feeling we're not going to agree on this :-}

>>Have you already done it in VFP? I have. Once. Fun is not the word that springs to mind.
>>Have you done any web site development using anything else

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