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Embedded icons in .exe
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C# 2.0
Windows XP SP2
Windows 2000 Server
MS SQL Server
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hi All, I've added several icons as embedded resources into my exe using the resource editor, however if I right click a shortcut to my.exe and select change icon / browse to my.exe - only the icon I set in the icon and manifest tab of the projects' properties tab is shown ? any ideas ?
>>>>>>>>>>>Thanks Viv, I actually read that article ( obviously not properly ! ) and couldn't get it to work - I was looking in the wrong place for Properties ! thanks again it works perfectly
>>>>>>>>>>Sorry. Just noticed that the link was based on VS2005 but sounds like you found the right place to add the resource file to the app...
>>>>>>>>>Hi Viv, having successfuly created Resource.res - do you know how to extract an icon / cursor from one ? I've googled away but can't find much of use
>>>>>>>>In VS just open the .res file (using File/Open)
>>>>>>>>Locate the icon that you want to extract.
>>>>>>>>Right Click , choose Export.....
>>>>>>>Hi Viv, sorry I didn't word my question very well - what I meant to ask was - now that I've embedded some icons / cursors / images etc... - how can I access them at runtime - I basically want to give certain groups of users different icons / background images etc... at runtime
>>>>>>I don't think there's a simple way of retrieving from the Win32 resource file but if you add the icons to the embedded resources you could just use:
this.Icon = (Icon)WindowsFormsApplication1.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("RESOURCENAME");
(adjust namespace to suit)
>>>>>That's ok for icons but I don't think you can add cursors as embedded resources - here's what I have so far ( it ain't pretty but it works )
>>>>>public static extern IntPtr LoadCursor(IntPtr hInstance, int lpCursorName);
>>>>>this.Cursor = new Cursor(LoadCursor(Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetModules()[0]),119));
>>>>>where 119 is my resource id ( just being silly putting it all in one statement )
>>>>Looks good (and is probably your best bet) but, for the record, you can use the embedded resource option. In the designer just choose Add Resource/Add Existing File... and select the Cursor file. You can then retrieve it as a byte[] so:
byte[] b = (byte[]) WindowsFormsApplication1.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("MyCursor");
>>>>Cursor c = new Cursor(new MemoryStream(b));
>>>Thanks again, I can't find a way of accessing MyNameSpace.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("MyCursor"); is it a VS2010 thing ? I only get as far as MyNameSpace.Properties.Resources and intellisense stops ?
>>I think it's the same in both. But I set the Access Modifier to 'Public' in the designer - I think the default is Internal. If you make it public Intellisense should work. Actually, since MyCursor is then public you could just use:
Cursor c = new Cursor(new MemoryStream(WindowsFormsApplication1.Properties.Resources.MyCursor));
Of course you could change the return type of MyCursor in the Resources.Designer.cs and create the cursor there leaving just:
this.Cursor= WindowsFormsApplication1.Properties.Resources.MyCursor;
>Good stuff thanks again - good thread

The last suggestion is not particularly useful since the .cs file will be regenerated if you make changes to resources from the Project properties tab.....

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