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How To Programmatically set column widths in dynamic gri
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Visual FoxPro
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The little piece of code in that thread was exactly what I needed.

>Too bad, my Browser didn't refresh earlier:
>*  Description.......: NNwgGrid.FormatAndSetCaption - format all grid columns and set caption to be in Proper format
>*  Calling Samples...:
>*  Parameter List....:
>*  Created by........: Nadya Nosonovsky 03/09/2000 02:03:22 PM
>*  Modified by.......: Nadya Nosonovsky 06/12/2002 12:39:18 PM
>local loColumn, loControl, lnWidthTotal, lnSel,  ;
>	lnFWidth, lnCWidth, lcFieldName, lcFieldType, lcCaption, lcTestName, ;
>	lcDBC, lcHdrFontStyle, lcFontStyle
>lnSel=select() && save current area
>store "" to lcHdrFontStyle, lcFontStyle
>with this
>	if .recordsourcetype = 1 or .recordsourcetype = 0 && Alias or table
>		select (.recordsource)
>		lnWidthTotal= iif(.recordmark, 10,0)+ iif(.scrollbars>1,sysmetric(5),0) ;
>			+ 2 * .gridlinewidth + iif(.deletemark, 10,0)+10 && record marker & vertical scroll bar+deletion mark
>		for each loColumn in .columns
>* -- For each column determine the width and use the correct caption.
>* -- Display the caption via the proper() function.
>			lcFieldName=justext(loColumn.controlsource)
>			lcTestName=lower(juststem(dbf(alias()))+"."+m.lcFieldName)
>			lcFieldType=type(m.lcFieldName)
>			lnFWidth=iif(m.lcFieldType='D',13,iif(m.lcFieldType='T',28,fsize(m.lcFieldName)+3)) && Field size
>			lcDBC = set('database')
>			if !empty(m.lcDBC) and juststem(cursorgetprop('Database',.recordsource)) = m.lcDBC
>				lcCaption=dbgetprop(m.lcTestName,'field','caption')
>				if empty(m.lcCaption)  && There is no DBC caption, Just use the Field name
>					lcCaption=proper(m.lcFieldName)
>				endif
>			else
>				lcCaption=proper(m.lcFieldName)
>			endif
>			with loColumn
>				.removeobject('Header1')
>				.newobject('Header1','MyHeader','MyHeader.prg',,m.lcCaption) && custom header
>				lcHdrFontStyle = iif(.Header1.fontbold,"B","") + ;
>					iif(.Header1.fontitalic,"I","")+ ;
>					iif(.Header1.fontstrikethru,"-","")+ ;
>					iif(.Header1.fontunderline,"U","")
>				lcFontStyle = iif(.fontbold,"B","") + ;
>					iif(.fontitalic,"I","")+ ;
>					iif(.fontstrikethru,"-","")+ ;
>					iif(.fontunderline,"U","")
>				lnCWidth=(txtwidth(.Header1.caption,.Header1.fontname,.Header1.fontsize, m.lcHdrFontStyle)+2) * ;
>					fontmetric(6,.Header1.fontname,.Header1.fontsize, m.lcHdrFontStyle)+3 && Width of caption
>				.width=round(max(m.lnFWidth*fontmetric(6,.fontname,.fontsize, m.lcFontStyle),m.lnCWidth),0)
>				lnWidthTotal=m.lnWidthTotal+loColumn.width
>				if m.lcFieldType='L' && Logical field
>					if lower(.currentcontrol)='text1' && standard text1 control
>						.removeobject('text1')
>						.newobject('check1','wgcheckbox','wgcontrols.vcx') && CheckBox
>						.check1.caption = ''
>						.sparse = .t.
>						.check1.visible=.t.
>					endif
>				endif
>** Nadya Nosonovsky 03/29/2000 01:35:47 PM added Incremental Search (could be added for ReadOnly grid)
>				if this.lIncremental and m.lcFieldType='C' && We would use this feature only for charStyle fields
>					if lower(.currentcontrol)='text1' && standard text1 control
>						.removeobject('text1')
>						if lower(m.lcFieldName)='code' and tagno('code')> 0 and ;
>								(candidate(tagno('code')) or primary(tagno('code'))) && should be unique
>							.newobject('text1','nnIngrid','fields_controls.vcx') && Incremental search textbox, which is also unique
>							thisform.lCheck=.t. && Code value should be unique
>							.text1.pcFields='code'
>							.text1.pcValidTag='code'
>							.text1.cSeekTag='code'
>						else
>							.newobject('text1','ingrid','wgcontrols.vcx') && Incremental search textbox
>							.text1.cLocateExpression='upper('+m.lcFieldName+')'
>						endif
>						.text1.visible=.t.
>					endif
>				endif
>*  Nadya Nosonovsky 03/29/2000 01:36:17 PM added Show Memo
>				if this.lShowMemo and m.lcFieldType='M' && We want to show Memo field
>					if lower(.currentcontrol)='text1' && standard text1 control
>						.removeobject('text1')
>						.newobject('text1','edtexpand','wgcontrols.vcx') && expandable editbox
>						.text1.visible=.t.
>						.sparse=.f.
>					endif
>				endif
>			endwith
>		endfor
>		.width=min(.width,m.lnWidthTotal)
>	endif
>select (m.lnSel) && return to previous area
>>I have a form that has grid on it that is hidden until the user selects a table to view. The grid needs to be dynamic. When the user clicks on the command button to open a table, it creates a cursor from the selected table that is viewed in the grid. Everything works fine except that I want to be able to determine if the columns in the grid are not as wide as column's captions to adjust the column width at least to that width if not wider. Any ideas? I know I need to step through the properties of the grid and check the current column width against the len of the caption, but how to do that? In general, how to create a better looking dynamic grid?
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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