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Birther don't you come around here any more
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John, John, John, John. George W. Bush was President when the so-called bailout happened. Obama was for it, as I was, as were most economists. For a good history of October 2008 and the events leading up to it, you might check this out --

The much larger error in your argument is that TARP actually turned a profit. Most of the money has been paid back already and the deadbeat parts are more than offset by interest payments. This is according to the latest OMB report, not spin doctors in the White House. It was a huge election box winner for the Republicans last fall but in fact it cost us nothing to save the world economy. Seems like a good deal to me.

You cannot possibly be serious about Obama being the cause of gas pump prices.

Re your hypothetical commercial, you are dancing close to the line again.

>Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike. Where do I begin? How about the FACT that he has taken us to the brink, if not over the edge with his bailout - that we now find was primarily used to pay foreign banks? Do you think that will bode well for him. He said unemployment would never go above 8% if we spent the money. Ahem, we are certainly above that number, even if you go with the government's book cooking numbers. Then there's the good ol' gas pump. I think the more he gets his wish ($10.00 a gallon gas), the more he is easing toward the door. I look for Republicans to control both houses and hopefully remove the great obfuscator from office too. I can see the commercial now, it's a black woman pumping gas, with the numbers on the pump displayed in an insert. The gas is $20.00 a gallon, and it costs her $500.00 to fill up her hooptie. Another balloon shows O-man saying he wants gas to be $10.00 a gallon.... Keep on digging O-man.
>"terrible" grades in college and said he wants to see documents. (That's exactly how you become editor of the Harvard Law Review, by getting terrible grades). It's not going to end. What's next? He wasn't really on the basketball team? I'm sure there are some who still don't accept that he was born in Hawaii.
>>>I'll be satisfied for him to run on his record. I wonder how anyone can vote for him once they've seen the video of him saying he wants gas to go to $10.00 a gallon? If they make me King, we nuke Iraq, Iran, Turkey, North Korea and California and take their oil. When you pull up to the pump, you would get a full tank of gas and $50.00....
>>That's constructive ;-)
>>He is going to be re-elected so you may as well get used to it. Not everything he has done has been what I might have wished, but that's true of any politician once in office. (Rahm Emanuel is about to discover that here in Chicago). He has gotten things done. He pushed through health care reform, even though he didn't get everything he wanted. That is something every President in nearly 100 years vowed to do and could not. On that topic, BTW, don't believe the conservative talking heads about how unpopular it is. In fact every age bracket except one favored health care reform. The one exception, resoundingly so, was those 60 and older. Who I mention only in passing are benefiting from the current system out of all proportion to what they ever put in. Why would they want a change?

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