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Visual Studio - Lua Language
03/05/2011 10:03:57
02/05/2011 18:02:01
James Blackburn
Qualty Design Systems, Inc.
Kuna, Idaho, United States
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Wax lets you work with the native iOS controls.

I found a project in the Kepler Project ( http://www.keplerproject.org/luajava/ ) that allows direct Lua access to Java components, which means that Lua could work with native Android controls as well.

Of course that means multiple code-bases, and so it depends on the nature of your app. Native mobile apps will be snappier, for sure. But now that tracing JITs are coming to Google and Mozilla java engines, and mobile devices are getting faster (iPad 2: 8 x faster than iPad1, at least for gaming), HTML5/CSS solutions for business apps will be just fine without native controls.

JQueryMobile has interesting (but not quite enough: where's the grid?) widgets, but programming them is like writing HMTL. Oh, wait, it _is_ writing HTML. Thank you, but no thanks. I'd program Javascript before I would program HTML. And I'd program Java before I would program Javascript. And that door greeter job at the local Wal-Mart looks pretty good to me compared to programming Java. <s>


>Look at jquerymobile.com if you are looking for a browser solution. JQM is in alpha 4 but should be in beta in a few weeks. Will run on most modern browsers. There is supposed to be a way to use it disconnected from the network but I have not seen that yet.
>>I agree; but all I could find was an alpha from a few years ago that targeted the NDK. I don't see anything on the Lua forum either; nor on the Corona SDK forums.
>>And then there's the issue of what do you do about browsers? Haven't seen anything about that anywhere, either: I think it may be programmable in Java, using the GWT, but I can't find any reports of anyone having done so.
>>>Thanks for that tech info. But they are bridging LUA with native controls somehow otherwise the Lua Android apps would be pretty limited, which they apparently are not. Correct??
>>>>The value of Lua (and PyPy, the Python equivalent in terms of JIT, Sandbox, etc.) is the ability to ship an interpreter and JIT that then can interact with native controls. There's still the bridge that's needed: for Lua, the iOS framework to Lua is provide in Wax: here's a blog article on Wax with a working example. http://od-eon.com/blogs/tudor/lua-vs-obj-c/
>>>>I haven't yet found the equivalent of Wax for Android.
>>>>>This addon for Visual Studio 2008 allows for syntax coloring, and error checking of the Lua script language.
>>>>>NEW: Visual Studio 2010 support has been added!
>>>>>Do yourself a favor and save yourself some time and effort - use Lua to develop iPhone/iPAD, Android, windows phone apps. It's only the tool used to create most of the world's most popular apps!

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