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Birther don't you come around here any more
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>>>>The tip about the courier(a nicname) came from an informant in Gitmo.
>>>Yep, that was my point. Score 1 for Bush and the adults.
>>Are you referring to the Bush who chased bin Laden fruitlessly for 8 years?
>Gee Mike, do you think GWB was actually in a foot pursuit of OBL, or that BHO actually took part in the assault? Bush laid the groundwork for this to happen, without which this would not have happened because the dems would be too afraid they might hurt someone's feelings.

9/11 was an attack on all Americans, not one party or the other. Partisan politics does not need to be part of this discussion.

>>I don't blame that solely on Bush, nor the happy ending solely on Obama. But I like Obama's handling of it a lot more than Bush's. When the bin Laden chase came boiling to the front towards the end of last week Obama was directly involved and in charge. He gathered all of his top officials and it went around the table on Thursday. He told them all to say openly what they believed should be done, as is his style. He did not try to sway the argument, which is also his style. He made the decision and on Friday gave the Go order. It was delayed for a day because of weather, then the Seals and supporting forces went in and did the job. It was a risky operation, straight out of the Bond movies, with enormous consequences for him. He could have taken the easy out by calling it off or authorizing air strikes which wiped out the compound and anything near it. He said no, we won't know for sure it was him. You may not like it but that's presidential.
>Mike, you are starting to swoon with your "man crush." Obama is riding the wave of these courageous warriors. When you speak of courage, you might want to talk about the Seals who were always in harms way, not BHO who was in the safe confines of the White House with armed guards all around. I commend BHO for carrying through, but the script you have laid out is right out of the dems campaign strategerie. Even though he is getting a bump in the polls, the economy, his economy, will be his ultimate undoing. I believe the phrase is ..."it's the economy, stupid." or something like that....

We are in 100% agreement.about the SEALs who carried out the operation. They are the real heroes, no question. That is not to diminish the roles of others -- Obama, for instance, who gave the Go order -- but as you say, they were the ones with their lives on the line. Salud. I am sure they can't say anything about it but in a perfect world they would be known, introduced at ballgames, never have to pay a restaurant check again in their lives, and the likes of Lindsay Lohan and Adam Sandler would be carhops.

"It's the economy, stupid" is the exact phrase. It was said by James Carville, Bill Clinton's chief adviser in the 1992 campaign and a southern boy like you.

If Obama is reelected, which I think he will be but is no sure thing, it won't be as a gladiator. In this moment he did what a leader should have done, that's all.

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