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Another reason Android beats WM7
24/05/2011 15:47:07
John Baird
Coatesville, Pennsylvanie, États-Unis
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>>>You should really keep up with the current state of WP7. WM7 doesn't exist.
>>>>No multi-tasking, results in lots of reloading…
>>>WP7 has multi-tasking... always has, just not available to users until this fall.

Ok - but doesn't do much good if the user's can't use it though - they can in Android so Android wins this one.

>>>>No cut, copy, and paste
>>>already availa ble(NODO update)

Oh that's right - so WP7 has caught up on this one.

>>>>No custom ringtone capability
>>>coming this fall, but there are already hacks that allow this.

Right - so Android wins this one for now.

>>>>Limited customizability on Start screen
>>>No start screen on WP7, you're still thingking the old phone. You can customize the landing page anyway you want. Apps pinned to it, tiles. switched, added, or deleted.

Yes - but it's quite limited on what you can really do - unlike Android which is far more easy to customize - so I still think Android wins this one - but perhaps it's a tie.

>>>>Lack of some key apps (Evernote, Kindle or Nook, and podcatcher)
>>>don't know about this... I try not to read books on a small screen

Right - but Android does and WP7 does not right? So again - Android wins.

>>>>Office apps are pretty limited in terms of what you can do from the phone
>>>Why would anyone want to write a word document on a phone? Funcitonality available is geared towards mobile experience.

Why is beside the point - fact is Android CAN and WP7 CANNOT - thus Android wins.

>>>>Inconsistency in auto rotation (especially lame with kickstand and then Zune always in portrait mode)
>>>Have had some problems with this, but not a show stopper.

Doesn't have to be a show stopper to be better - and again Android does this better.

>>>>Lock into Zune software for PC connections (no drive or file access)
>>>At least we're not being spammed with key loggers and seccurity issues... Apple has same thing...

Ok so Android does this better than WP7 and iPhone - and WP7 doesn't even do this at all.

>>>>Lack of tethering support
>>>tether is not a function of the OS, its a carrier function. BTW, I can and do tether my samsung focus all the time.

It's both. Some carriers like to disable this feature but it IS a function of the OS. Android has it built in as WP7 does not - so Android wins again.

>>>>Lack of ability to capture screensh
>>>Wow!! there's a real show stopper..... coming this fall anyway...

Ya but Android does it and WP7 does not.

>>>So, I think you're reasons and arguments against WP7 are bogus. By this fall, it will have far superior quality, capability and user experience than android ever will...

My point is Android today is better than WP7 - and who knows what new features Android will bring this fall?? We can discuss again this fall and see if WP7 caught up with Android or if it's still being left behind.

>>Really? all you did to "disprove" his arguments was to say that the features he mentioned will come in the future or that you do not care about it, and then you conclude that "in the future" WP7 "will have far superior quality, capability and user experience than android ever will" I think you miss the point that Victor was talking about the freaking present, and that your "prediction" is just your opinion without an ounce of fact.
>Whatever.... same as JVP did in 2000 when everyone here had their head in the sand. Call me what you want, make any assertions you want, but I speak from knowledge, experience and some prognostication based on a combination of those and some info I have received back channel. So you just keep denying.... No need to respond, I really don't care what you think...

I think the fact that the limitations of WP7 are features you either don't care about or are willing to wait until fall for the update doesn't change the fact that at the moment Android seems to beat WP7.

Personally I hope that WP7 picks up the pace because if I had my choice I'd rather use the MS product.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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