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Using bracket in SQL Select from VFP
General information
Microsoft SQL Server
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SQL Server:
SQL Server 2005
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>>>>>You need to double the apostrophe or use parameter (preferred method).
>>>>Say the parameter is not applicable and you only have an option of what you call "double the apostrophe." Then user enters "O'Connell", do you mean to search within the entry (before adding it to the SQL Select) and add another single apostrophe as "O''Connell"?
>>>We have a special function called VFP2SQL that doubles the single quote and does other related changes if needed. Let me know if you want this code published or alternatively search the net as I remember I read long time ago the similar function at some Russian guy working a lot with SQL Server (forgot his last name, right now).
>>Do you mind emailing me this function? But if for whatever reason (you don't have to explain) you can't, don't worry. I will still love you :).
>>Thank you.
>I didn't write it, but I don't think it's too complex to not be able to share:
>lparameters tvDataIn, tcEndOfDay
>local lcRetVal, llEndOfDay
>#define C_SQUOTE [']
>llEndOfDay = iif(pcount() < 2, .F., upper(trim(tcEndOfDay))=='ENDOFDAY')
>do case
>  case vartype(tvDataIn)='D'			&&date
>    if empty(tvDataIn) or isblank(tvDataIn)
>      lcRetVal='NULL'
>    else
>      lcRetVal="'"+dtos(tvDataIn) + iif(llEndOfDay, " 23:59:59'" ," 00:00:00'")
>    endif
>  case vartype(tvDataIn)='T'			&&time
>    if empty(tvDataIn) or isblank(tvDataIn)
>      lcRetVal='NULL'
>    else
>      lcRetVal="'"+dtos(ttod(tvDataIn))+' '+ttoc(tvDataIn, 2)+"'"
>      lcRetVal=strtran(lcRetVal, 'A.M.', 'AM', -1, -1, 1)
>      lcRetVal=strtran(lcRetVal, 'P.M.', 'PM', -1, -1, 1)
>    endif
>  case vartype(tvDataIn)='C'			&&character
>*-jt- 			if at("'", tvDataIn)>0 and at('"', tvDataIn)>0
>*-jt- 				lcRetVal='"'+strtran(tvDataIn, '"','""')+'"'
>*-jt- 			else
>*-jt- 		    if at("'", tvDataIn)>0
>*-jt- 		      lcRetVal='"'+tvDataIn+'"'
>*-jt- 		    else
>*-jt- 		      lcRetVal="'"+tvDataIn+"'"
>*-jt- 		    endif
>*-jt- 	    endif
>    lcRetVal=C_SQUOTE+strtran(tvDataIn, C_SQUOTE, C_SQUOTE+C_SQUOTE)+C_SQUOTE
>  case vartype(tvDataIn)='L'			&&logical
>    lcRetVal=iif(tvDataIn=.t., '1', '0')
>  case vartype(tvDataIn)='X'			&&null value
>    lcRetVal='NULL'
>  case vartype(tvDataIn)='N'			&&int, float, double, numeric (not currency)
>    &&transform will not work on a B(8) field created by XMLToCursor()
>    lcRetVal=alltrim(str(tvDataIn,16,4))
>    do while at('.', lcRetVal)>0 and inlist(substr(lcRetVal, len(lcRetVal)), '0', '.')
>      lcRetVal=substr(lcRetVal, 1, len(lcRetVal)-1)
>    enddo
>  case vartype(tvDataIn)='Y'      &¤cy
>    lcRetVal=transform(tvDataIn,'999999999999.9999')
>  otherwise								&&other
>    lcRetVal=transform(tvDataIn)
>return lcRetVal
Thank you very much. Very useful function to have.
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