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Major panel: Drug war failed; legalize marijuana
06/06/2011 16:57:13
06/06/2011 16:50:21
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No, I was not questioning whether or not drugs should be made legal or if the so-called war on drugs is working -- it's a farce (and I've witnessed it here and in other countries first hand) I think using and abusing should be treated like alcohol. Punish people for driving while "impaired" on anything which risks the lives of others - but really punish them -- no habitual dui drivers out there. I was only questioning your statement on the scale of the problem regarding minors, not whether or not some drugs should be legal or not. You can't go to work drunk or else you would lose your job. Any behavior that risks the lives of others should be punished by law.

>Fair enough.
>But. Criminalising them is not the answer.
>If something isn't working I think of another way to handle the problem. The same should go for drugs. The war on drugs has been a complete failure. Its causing huge problems in you southern neighbour and other 3rd world drug producing countries.
>Do you think the war on drugs is working ?
>>And the one almost as high right beside it is 16-17 -- Small point difference in the levels. And the next highest is 14-15. And if you add the two together (14-15 and 16-17) it is almost 1/3rd higher than the 18-20 age peak....
>>>The peak in you graph is 18 to 20.
>>>Those aren't children.
>>>>The stats for dependency (or did you mean mostly casual use which is difficult to track?) don't support your statement. They must be getting the money somewhere:
>>>>>Teenagers and younger don't have the purchasing power of the adult US population which is financing the international drug business.
>>>>>It would still be a problem amongst kids as is alcohol abuse. But the scale of the problem would be completely different the funding of the drug cartels would dry up and you resources could be focussed more on where they are needed.
>>>>>>I think my opinion has more to do with what I've seen as the result of drug abuse. It has affected everyone, it seems, and not in a good way. I think there is a lot of evidence that almost everyone who has a serious addiction problem to things like meth, crack, etc started out as a doobie brother/sister. Legalizing drugs wouldn't legalize drugs. . . for the population group that is most likely to want them . . .teenagers and younger. They would still be illegal, and abused.
>>>>>>>Let face it John police voting for legalising drugs would be like Turkeys voting for Christmas (or in your case thanksgiving).
>>>>>>>Criminalising drugs has given the police more chances to look busy than any other legislation. And I believe in some areas of the USA its a handy source of revenue through proceeds of crime seizures as well.
>>>>>>>Drug use is a health issue,it hold be suitably taxed and treated as such like alcohol and tobacco.
>>>>>>>>I think they should legalize it in every country, except the US. All those other countries would then be overrun with idiots.
>>>>>>>>>Well - the word "Duhhh" comes to mind...haha
>>>>>>>>>The 19-member commission includes former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and former U.S. official George Schultz, who held Cabinet posts under Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker; former presidents of Mexico, Brazil and Colombia; writers Carlos Fuentes and Mario Vargas Llosa; British business mogul Richard Branson; and the Greek prime minister.
>>>>>>>>>What I'd like to know is why the former presidents of Mexico, Brazil, & Colombia didn't bring this up before.
>>>>>>>>>Supposedly the report is 24 pages - I'd love to read it but so far haven't found it.

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