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Bachmann's Pants on Fire
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If MSNBC is left leaning, as I agree they are, why on earth would they want to destroy Sarah Palin? ;-) She will do it for them for free.

>Yes, I think she is extremely smart. Whoever heard of anyone defeating a sitting governor, particularly one who was entrenched in the good old boy network. As for lies, I think you've been drinking the MSM koolaid. They have attempted to destroy her, just as they are attempting with Bachmann. Whoever starts to appear as the Repub front runner will suffer the same treatment. Polls are now indicating that a generic republican can defeat Obama. He is done, regardless the candidate.
>>Palin is smarter than Dr. Ron Paul? I couldn't disagree more. In any event, neither Palin or Bachmann can beat Obama. Bachmann is just as polarizing as Palin and will never gain the support of the independents. Without the independents you can't win the election.
>>Did you watch the Republican debate? Every candidate had to try and out-do the next one on how much Obama is to blame for everything... especially the economy. It was disappointing to say the least.
>>The President, in a 4-year term, has about as much effect on the economy as a person with a paddle does trying to steer a battleship. Clinton wasn't responsible for the surplus in his time, GWB wasn't responsible for the slump he handed Obama, and Obama isn't responsible for what we have now. The economy is a self-feeding machine who's contributing factors are a result of decades of policy and uncontrollable external elements.
>>I should make it clear that I'm not defending any of Obama's policies. I don't believe in taking from the rich to give to the poor. I don't believe in overreaching social programs. I don't believe that 47% of Americans should pay no federal income tax. But when the republican candidates turn nasty this early in the game it just completely turns me off.
>>I'm going to write my own name on my ballot if the Republicans can't field a legitimate contender. Don't give me a candidate who's going to bash Obama for the next 22 months. Don't give me a tea party wacko who wants to abolish the EPA (reforming it I'm okay with). Don't give me a zealot who wants to push their dogma on me. Don't give me a lying liar who will keep repeating the same lies even after they've been called on telling the lies (Palin).

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