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23/07/2011 02:24:52
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Re: Kindle
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>>>>>>Curious to know how many of you guys have a Kindle and, if so, how much you use it
>>>>>>I bougt Andy a Kindle last Christmas and he loves it. He uses it all the time. And it is much easier to take on long flight that a boat load of books...
>>>>>That was my thinking. Hard to pack a library into a cycle pannier :-}
>>>>>I'm not sure how effective it would be if used with stuff like .NET reference books tho.....
>>>>I think due to Kindle book stores are having hard times. I believe Borders went partially bankrupt and several stores were closed in our area.
>>>I don't know how much of their problems can be laid specifically at the door of e-books. The real problem for main street bookstores (at least in the UK) is the convenience and cheapness of using online stores like Amazon for regular books.
>>>Shame, because I really like the regular bookstores but must share some of the guilt - I buy almost exclusively via Amazon.
>>>My local town has about 40 shops in total and probably 30 of them are second hand books stores. Lots of customers but mainly because they tend to specialize in specific areas. And they also sell a large proportion of their books online.
>>Our patterns have been about the same. I was ordering from Amazon almost from the get-go. Keep an eye on that e-book business, though. IMO it is already becoming as seismic as the Amazon revolution was. And both of them have knocked traditional bookstores as loopy as a boxer who thinks he's quick enough that he doesn't need to keep his hands up and keep moving. The next thing you know the lights keep fading in and out and you're asking who ordered the pepperoni pizza.
>There's a thought. If just *one* of the book shops in Hay went bust there's a faint chance it might be replaced by a pizza joint :-}
>Off topic but since I think you enjoy obscure code I just wrote this (purely as a mockup):
static IEnumerable<int> GetSequence()
>        {
>            bool b = false;
>            int x1 = 0;
>            int x2 = 1;
>            while (true)
>            {
>                b=!b;
>                yield return b ? x1 += x2 : x2 += x1;
>            }
>        }
Without trying it what does this give:
IEnumerable<int> list = Program.GetSequence().TakeWhile(num=> num<100000);
And if you do try it don't do so without the .TakeWhile() (g)

I'm not to that level yet. But I bet one of our C# whizzes nails it.

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