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More proof that Obama is no more than another political
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>>Health care is nothing more than goods & services. The private sector will always be more efficient than the public sector at providing goods & services owing simply to their nature, one produces, one consumes. Again, this is not rhetoric nor junk science, it is a simple economic fact.
>I disagree here. Health care is different than other goods & services.

>I do agree that the public sector is significantly more efficient at just about any task and government programs are full of waste.

I assume you meant "private". ;)

>Unless you're willing to let people die that can't afford medicine, government will always have a role in healthcare.

Government's role in healthcare significantly contributes to people's inability to afford or have access to medicine. The inefficient redistribution of monies to publicly selected (lobbiest & politician driven) entities combined with overbearing regulation drives costs skyward owing to the inability to efficiently allocate investment. In addition, lack of funding leads to various forms of rationing from reduced Medicare reimbursements to doctors in the US to outright denial of service in Britain ( Both of which reduce access to care, which naturally affects the poor more than the wealthy.

This interference leads to fewer doctors accepting medicare patients and fewer poor people having access to care deemed "non-urgent" by yet another government entity. Less access, less control, less liberty and more pain more suffering and overall higher costs. That's the hard lesson of market dynamics.

There are always going to be people who fall through the cracks. That's life. We cannot regulate it away. What we can do is remove the government applied strangulation of advancement and ensure more rapid adoption of and investment in technology. That will drive costs down as can be seen thoughout our industry.
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