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Jump Start WPF CSharp build errors
12/08/2011 17:01:17
Timothy Bryan
Sharpline Consultants
Conroe, Texas, United States
General information
The Mere Mortals .NET Framework
Environment versions
C# 4.0
Windows 7
Windows 2008 Server
MS SQL Server
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>>>>Does anyone have any thoughts on this one?
>>>>>Following the Jump Start added the Order System Business Objects EF CSharp to the Order System WPF CSharp solution, added the WPF CSharp project, several build errors\, as fiollows:
>>>>>Error 1 The property 'CloseOnCancel' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:OakLeaf.MM.Main.WPF;assembly=OakLeaf.MM2010.WPF'. Line 46 Position 88. C:\MM.NET Jump Start\Order System WPF CSharp\RoleWindow.xaml 46 88 Order System WPF CSharp
>>>>>Error 2 The tag 'mmSecuritySetupWindow' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:OakLeaf.MM.Main.WPF;assembly=OakLeaf.MM2010.WPF'. Line 2 Position 2. C:\MM.NET Jump Start\Order System WPF CSharp\SecuritySetupWindow.xaml 2 2 Order System WPF CSharp
>>>>>Error 3 The tag 'mmMoverControl' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:OakLeaf.MM.Main.WPF;assembly=OakLeaf.MM2010.WPF'. Line 80 Position 8. C:\MM.NET Jump Start\Order System WPF CSharp\UserWindow.xaml 80 8 Order System WPF CSharp
>>>>>Error 4 The property 'CloseOnCancel' was not found in type 'mmButtonCancel'. C:\MM.NET Jump Start\Order System WPF CSharp\RoleWindow.xaml 46 88 Order System WPF CSharp
>>>>>At least the first three are related by:
>>>>> 'clr-namespace:OakLeaf.MM.Main.WPF;assembly=OakLeaf.MM2010.WPF'.
>>>>>Any suggestions on whagt I am missing or how to fix this?
>>>Have you verified the OakLeaf.MM2010.WPF assembly reference is added to your project? You might try removing the reference and adding it back.
>>>>>Al Allison
>>Thank you for your response.
>>The references are in the project and the build order is corrrect. I notice the path error (see below). I have removed each mm reference and re-added it, paths are correct now. No change to the errors
>>I deleted the WPF project and solution and started over. The project is created and the errors show immediately. RoleWindow.xaml, SecuritySetupWindow.xaml and UserWindow.xaml will not open in design view. for the same errors
>>I notice in the Explorer>References for Oakleaf assemblies, .Framework, .Interfaces, .WPF the path is incorrect with a double slash:
>>C:\Program Files (x86)\Mere Mortals .NET Framework 2010\\Mere Mortals Framework WPF\OakLeaf.MM2010.WPF.dll
>>I remove all of the references and add them again. The paths are now correct.
>>I add the Business Object project, set the dependencies and rebuild the solution. None of the mm???Window references work.
>>I have looked in the WPF assembly with the object browser, and the things it is complaining about being missing are not there.
>>I am thinking the .Framework and .Interfaces are OK, since they work correctly in the Business Object project and iet is just in the .WPF. Is it possible to just replace this one assembly or would I have to do a new MM install to replace it?
>>Thanks for your time.
>>Al Allison
>I did a repair from the installl and it seems to have fixed the problem. I get a good build and did not lose any of my projects. Thanks again.
>Al Allison

I was going to suggest verify the assembly was in the GAC. Sounds like that may have been the problem since a re-install fixed it. Glad you got it sorted out.
Timothy Bryan

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