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MonoTouch from Xamarin vs Web application
23/09/2011 14:43:37
James Blackburn
Qualty Design Systems, Inc.
Kuna, Idaho, United States
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Thank you.

>You might find this interesting. http://www.jqmgallery.com/
>>Thank you.
>>>I forgot to mention this. Phonegap is a wrapper program that can be used to turn your web app into a app that can be downloaded from app stores just like any other app. I have never used it myself but I see that others on the JQM forum are.
>>>>Thank you very much for your help.
>>>>>Yes I am using php although I see a lot of developers on JQM's forum using asp.net.
>>>>>Jquery is a very popular JS library that has been out for a number of years. Vs 2010 installs jquery as part of the install. JQM is a set of plugins built on top of jquery for the mobile platform. I could have developed myself but I am not sure how many years it would have taken :). JQM is plain old HTML5 and CSS3. Download the files and look at the CSS file that comes with it and you will get the idea how complex it is. All the buttons on my app use CSS and no images. In fact, there is only on image file they use that has the arrows and such to go on the buttons. This is all done to keep the data stream as small as possible.
>>>>>>Thank you for your input, James. A couple of questions, if you don't mind. 1. I noticed that your page you suggested (test page) has .php. Does it mean that you develop in PHP or that jquery mobile is PHP? 2. When you are saying "plug in JQM to format the app" do I understand that JQM is an extensive ajax library/tool? 3. If you didn't use JQM, could you have developed an app for iPad in plain HTML5 and CSS3? TIA.
>>>>>>>I have been developing a phone app for a while now using html 5 and jquery mobile (JQM). It has the advantage of being device agnostic for the most part. Even though it is a web app it does look and feel more like an app. You could still use asp.net for the web app but plug in the JQM to format the app. Once the initial web page is loaded, JQM uses ajax to do most of the navigation from that point on making the the web page look more like an app using much less bandwidth between hits over slow phone connections. You can see what it looks like here www.rcsfind.mobi if you have a smart phone (not blackberry) or an Ipad or android tablet. It also looks OK using chrome or FireFox as well. JQM really speeds up development because most of the complex HTML5 and CSS3 stuff is already done. www.jquerymobile.com
>>>>>>>>This will be an add-on to my business application. So it will be used only by my customers. I have this application now on Pocket PC (developed in C#). I would like to port it to iPad. My concert, with regards to Xamarin, that if they fold or their product does not live up to the marketing, I am screwed. Doing it in HTML5 as web application with ASP.NET has less of a risk, IMHO.
>>>>>>>>>Who is the target market for this app? Is it something you want to sell?
>>>>>>>>>>If anybody done any work or some research of developing a business application for iPad, I have a question. I have two options (at least I can't think of others now): 1. Using MonoTouch from Xamarin develop a native iOs/mobile application or 2. using HTML5 with ASP.NET creating a web application. Which approach would you recommend? TIA.
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