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Small method to calculate since time
09/10/2011 09:07:38
08/10/2011 11:53:58
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Modified the code a bit. It's the same but different

Added range checking on the fields of the structure - useful for developing
Added a couple of constructors - including one that accepts two DateTimes
Since I had to test it - I have added IEquatable< DateTimeSpan >, IComparable and IComparable< DateTimeSpan >

- The class
- Extension Method Between()
- Constants ( used size of Int32)
- test program

The class
	public struct DateTimeSpan
		:	IEquatable<DateTimeSpan>, 
			IComparable, IComparable<DateTimeSpan>
		#region Fields
		private Int32 _Years;
		public Int32 Years
			get { return _Years; }
				if (!value.Between(0, 9999))
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Years", "between 0 and 9999");
				_Years = value ;
		private byte _Months;
		public Int32 Months
			get { return _Months; }
				if (!value.Between(0, 11))
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Months", "between 0 and 11");
				_Months = unchecked((byte)value);
		private byte _Days;
		public Int32 Days
			get { return _Days; }
				if (!value.Between(0, 30))
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Days", "between 0 and 30");
				_Days = unchecked((byte)value);
		private byte _Hours;
		public Int32 Hours
			get { return _Hours; }
				if (!value.Between(0, 23))
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Hours", "between 0 and 23");
				_Hours = unchecked((byte)value);
		private byte _Minutes;
		public Int32 Minutes
			get { return _Minutes; }
				if (!value.Between(0, 59))
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Hours", "between 0 and 59");
				_Minutes = unchecked((byte)value);
		private byte _Seconds;
		public Int32 Seconds
			get { return _Seconds; }
				if (!value.Between(0, 59))
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Seconds", "between 0 and 59");
				_Seconds = unchecked((byte)value);
		private ushort _MilliSeconds;
		public Int32 MilliSeconds
			get { return _MilliSeconds; }
				if (!value.Between(0, 999))
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("MilliSeconds", "between 0 and 999");
				_MilliSeconds = unchecked((ushort)value);
		#endregion Fields
		#region Constructors
		public DateTimeSpan(int years, int months, int days)
			: this(years, months, days, 0,0,0, 0)
		public DateTimeSpan(
			int years, int months, int days,
			int hours, int minutes, int seconds
			) : this(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, 0)

		public DateTimeSpan(
			int years, int months, int days, 
			int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int milliSeconds
			HashCode = _Years = _MilliSeconds = _Months = _Days = _Hours = _Minutes = _Seconds = 0;
			HasCodePresent = false;

			Years = years; Months = months; Days = days;
			Hours = hours; Minutes = minutes; Seconds = seconds;
			MilliSeconds = milliSeconds;

		 * start:	2012/03/14
		 * end:		2022/04/15
		 * years: 2022 - 2012, 
		 * months: 04-03
		 * days 2022/04/14 >> 2022/04/15 = 1
		 * start:	2012/03/14
		 * end:		2022/02/13
		 * years:	2022 - 2012 + 1
		 * months: 02 - 03 + 12
		 * days:	2022/01/14 >> 2022/02/13 = 30

		public DateTimeSpan(DateTime start, DateTime end)
			if (start > end)
				throw new ArgumentException("startDate <= endDate");

			HashCode = _Years = _MilliSeconds = _Months = _Days = _Hours = _Minutes = _Seconds = 0;

			HasCodePresent = false;

			Years = end.Year - start.Year;

			int months = end.Month - start.Month;

			if (months < 0)
				months += 12;

			TimeSpan tsStart = new TimeSpan(start.Day, start.Hour, start.Minute, start.Second, start.Millisecond);
			TimeSpan tsEnd = new TimeSpan(end.Day, end.Hour, end.Minute, end.Second, end.Millisecond);

			if (tsStart > tsEnd)
				if (--months < 0)
					months += 12;
			Months = months;

			DateTime between = start.AddYears(Years).AddMonths(months);
			TimeSpan delta = end - between;

			Days = delta.Days;
			Hours = delta.Hours;
			Minutes = delta.Minutes;
			Seconds = delta.Seconds;
			MilliSeconds = delta.Milliseconds;
		#endregion Constructors
		#region ToString
		public override string ToString()
			return string.Format("Years:{0} Months:{1} Days:{2} Hours:{3} Minutes:{4} Seconds:{5}",
				Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds);
		public string ToString(bool comparable)
			if (!comparable)
				return ToString();

			return String.Format("{0:0000}{1:00}{2:00}{3:00}{4:00}{5:00}{6:000}", 
					Years,Months, Days, 
					Hours, Minutes, Seconds, MilliSeconds);
		#endregion ToString

		#region IComparable
		public int CompareTo(object other)
			if (other == null)
				return 1;

			if (!(other is DateTimeSpan))
				throw new ArgumentException("not a DateTimeSpan", "other");

			return CompareTo((DateTimeSpan)other);

		#endregion IComparable

		#region IComparable<T>
		public int CompareTo(DateTimeSpan other)
			return String.CompareOrdinal(ToString(true), other.ToString(true));
		#endregion IComparable<T>

		#region Equals
		public override bool Equals(object other)
			return other is DateTimeSpan ? Equals((DateTimeSpan)other) : false;
		#endregion Equals
		#region IEquatable<T>
		public bool Equals(DateTimeSpan other)
			return CompareTo(other) == 0;
		#endregion IEquatable<T>

		#region GetHashCode
		private bool HasCodePresent;
		private int HashCode;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			if (!HasCodePresent)
				using (RandomNumberGenerator rnd = RandomNumberGenerator.Create())
					byte[] bytes = new byte[ByteSize.Int32];
					HashCode = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0);

			return HashCode;
		#endregion GetHashCode

		#region Operators
		public static bool operator ==(DateTimeSpan dts1, DateTimeSpan dts2)
			return dts1.Equals(dts2);
		public static bool operator !=(DateTimeSpan dts1, DateTimeSpan dts2)
			return !(dts1 == dts2);
		public static bool operator <(DateTimeSpan dts1, DateTimeSpan dts2)
			return dts1.CompareTo(dts1) < 0;
		public static bool operator >=(DateTimeSpan dts1, DateTimeSpan dts2)
			return !(dts1 < dts2);
		public static bool operator >(DateTimeSpan dts1, DateTimeSpan dts2)
			return dts1.CompareTo(dts1) > 0;
		public static bool operator <=(DateTimeSpan dts1, DateTimeSpan dts2)
			return !(dts1 < dts2);

		#endregion Operators
Extension Method Between()
public static partial class ExtensionMethods_Comparison
		/// <summary>
		/// tells whether s between s1 and s2
		/// </summary>
		/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
		/// <param name="s"></param>
		/// <param name="s1"></param>
		/// <param name="s2"></param>
		/// <returns>true or false</returns>
		// IComparable<T>
		//	- By definition, any object compares greater than a null reference 
		//	- two null references compare equal to each other
		public static bool Between<T>(this T s, T s1, T s2) where T : IComparable<T>
			if (s != null)
				return (s.CompareTo(s1) >= 0) && (s.CompareTo(s2) <= 0);

			// s == null here

			 *		s1		s		s2		s1<=s	s<=s2	final
			 *		!=null	null	!null	false	true	false
			 *		null	null	!null	true	true	true	*
			 *		!null	null	null	false	true	false
			 *		null	null	null	true	true	true	*
			 * conclusion
			 * It does not matter whether s2 is null or not
			 *		s < non-null-s2
			 *		s == null-s2
			 *		hence always:	s <= s2
			 * the only thing that matters is s1
			 *		non_null_s1 < s
			 *		null_s1 == s
			return (s1 == null);
	public class ByteSize
		public const int Byte = 1;
		public const int SByte = 1;

		public const int Char = 2;

		public const int Int16 = 2;
		public const int UInt16 = 2;

		public const int Int32 = 4;
		public const int UInt32 = 4;

		public const int Int64 = 8;
		public const int UInt64 = 8;
test program
	class Class1
		static void Main(string[] args)


		static DateTimeSpanTest[] TestData = 
		{ new DateTimeSpanTest(
				new DateTime(2011, 04, 15, 0, 0, 0),
				new DateTime(2012, 03, 14, 0, 0, 0),
				new DateTimeSpan(0, 10, 28)
			,new DateTimeSpanTest(
				new DateTime(2011, 04, 15, 17, 0, 0),
				new DateTime(2012, 04, 15, 16, 59, 59),
				new DateTimeSpan(0, 11, 30, 23, 59, 59)
			,new DateTimeSpanTest(
				new DateTime(2011, 04, 15, 17, 0, 0),
				new DateTime(2013, 04, 15, 16, 59, 59),
				new DateTimeSpan(1, 11, 30, 23, 59, 59)
			,new DateTimeSpanTest(
				new DateTime(2011, 04, 15, 17, 0, 0),
				new DateTime(2011, 04, 16, 16, 59, 59),
				new DateTimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 23, 59, 59)
			,new DateTimeSpanTest(
				new DateTime(2012, 02, 28, 17, 0, 0),
				new DateTime(2012, 03, 01, 16, 59, 59),
				new DateTimeSpan(0, 0, 1, 23, 59, 59)
			,new DateTimeSpanTest(
				new DateTime(2011, 02, 28, 17, 0, 0),
				new DateTime(2011, 03, 01, 16, 59, 59),
				new DateTimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 23, 59, 59)
			,new DateTimeSpanTest(
				new DateTime(2011, 02, 28, 17, 0, 0),
				new DateTime(2011, 03, 01, 18, 01, 02),
				new DateTimeSpan(0, 0, 1, 01, 01, 02)
		static bool Test()
			bool success = true;
			bool caseResult;

			foreach (DateTimeSpanTest testcase in TestData)
				DateTimeSpan result = new DateTimeSpan(testcase.Start, testcase.End);
				caseResult = result == testcase.Delta;

				Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} : \n{2} expected\n{3} got\n{4}",
						testcase.Start, testcase.End, testcase.Delta, result,
						 caseResult ? "OK" : "fail"

				if (!caseResult)
					success = false;

			return success;
	class DateTimeSpanTest
		public DateTime Start;
		public DateTime End;
		public DateTimeSpan Delta;

		public DateTimeSpanTest(DateTime start, DateTime end, DateTimeSpan delta)
			Start = start;
			End = end;
			Delta = delta;

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