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Out Of Iraq - Finally!!
22/10/2011 13:21:13
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
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I don't think I have ever called you a racist. I have suggested I think you may be, which stands. You may be one of those people who simply have lived the bulk of their existence among white people. That's all. Even in my thoughts, much less in what I have posted publicly, I have never thought of you as a racist in the sense of those who go out of their way to hate people with different skin colors.

Maybe I missed the private emails from you. (I have received quite a number from Kevin Goff, interestingly enough), It doesn't seem like me to just ignore them. If I disagree with you I will tell you so.

Where you got the thought I was intruding into your personal space, I honestly have no idea. That is none of my business. I remember saying some things to you when you and your wife were expecting about the joy I felt when my first daughter was born. I say that all the time. I said it on Friday at work to a woman who is expecting and due any time.

Your continued threats -- "Quit making comments about my personal life, unless you want things to get ugly. You have no idea who I am, and you know approximately nothing about my personal life. Back off." -- perplex me as well.

I don't like having personal problems with people, particularly with people I respect. A woman who was very important to me told me I should stop worrying about what people on the UT think. You're acquaintances, not friends, she said. Maybe I should heed her word and just let it go. I have been trying my hardest to get past some issues I have and think I am doing pretty well. This drama with you comes out of the blue.

Have a good rest of the weekend. I hope that wasn't too personal.

>You've called me racist several times without anything to back it up except for my political views. You've publicly stated that I've said things for which I should be banned, but when questioned, you disappeared. When you were messaged privately, you disappeared. That was particularly ironic, given your history.
>I'm not puffing my chest out. I'm warning you to respect the line between one's online presence vs. one's personal life. Quit making comments about my personal life, unless you want things to get ugly. You have no idea who I am, and you know approximately nothing about my personal life. Back off.
>I noticed you ignored the rest of my post. Not surprising in the least... You've also proven my statement about how you turn to perceived character flaws when somebody has different philosophies. I understand how you can be so let down by your irrational faith in all things Obama that you have nothing else to turn to when questioned. I'd be embarrassed too.
>>Stop puffing your chest out and warning me. Insert idiotic testosterone comment here.
>>I have given up on you for the moment. I'm not feeling angry, just sad. Maybe you have a personal tragedy you haven't mentioned here or a medical condition, I don't know. For now it's best that we don't speak.
>>Warning me? Good lord in the morning.
>>>I've warned you before, and I'll warn you again: Quit making commentary on my personal life. You do not know me, you have never known me, and you will never know me. Perhaps you remember me being a "nice guy" when I was a Bush-basher. Now that I don't share your political viewpoint, I am "angry".
another nuance I suspect you don't comprehend
You are an idiot. Again, you have no idea who I am, so quit making generalizations about me. It's getting extremely old.
>>>That being said, I don't know any rational person that thinks healthcare should have been left as-is. EVERYBODY wanted healthcare reform - not this abomination that Obama has proposed. It's a mess, it creates too much bureaucracy, and we cannot afford it. Couple that with the backroom deals he made to get it passed (transparency????) and the whole thing is a steaming pile. Why don't you understand the basic premise of budgeting? We need to CUT, which Obama hasn't done.
>>>Again, you better KEEP PERSONAL OFF unless you really want to open a can. I suspect you don't.
>>>>You're not embarrassed that for decades we have been the only developed nation that does not guarantee health care for its citizens? That makes only tepid steps at reform after 100 years of Presidents trying and failing? Obama got the best bill he could get, and at that it has big money's fingerprints all over it. And some effing greedheads in the House, inspired by the pitchforks back in their districts, want to claw back even that. They are also clawing back the financial reform passed in the wake of our near financial death, oh, way back in 2008. The pigs are right back at the trough and reporting record profits. Out here on Main Street, as the saying goes, the economic anxiety remains at Defcon 5. Even those of us who are working know disaster is only an accident away and that we're flying off the trapeze every day without a net.
>>>>No need to answer; I know you have different views.
>>>>We have truly become Ronald Reagan's nation. (A man I have always respected for his ability to impose his vision, even though I didn't agree with it). A nation of "me me me," a nation of spoiled greedy children. Compassion in the global sense is a vanishing notion. Scratch vanishing, make that read fleeing. I am a 54 year old American who has always felt blessed to have been born here rather than in any number of hellholes around the world. Not so much lately. Anger, xenophobia, and greed have taken over. (Sounds like the name of a law firm. "Good morning, Anger, Xenophobia, and Greed, how may I direct your call?"). Sometimes the national pulse frustrates me enough to consider leaving the country of my birth. Like all immigrants -- another nuance I suspect you don't comprehend -- that is not a move I would take lightly. This is just an angry and unpleasant place. There must be some better place in life.
>>>>Tossing this out there for what it's worth. The company I am consulting for is a law firm specializing in debt collection. (Not what you might imagine from that; there are laws about debt collection and they respect them. It gives them an edge over the phone booth guys and they seem to believe it as a core company value. Fastest way to get canned here is to come on strong with a debtor and violate FDCPA. The other day I was talking with a long term debt collector, probably the longest term. She has been here 23 years and was hired by one of the three original partners. She said she has no sympathy for the debtors who got themselves into it. Guy gets a credit card, buys a boat for $12,000, she said. He's out of work and there is no way he can afford it. I am on his a*s and someone should be, she said. Agreed. She said she has sympathy for debtors on the Medical side of the business. She said there are some horrible stories there, people who are on the verge of destitution through no fault of their own, and she hates to go after them. But that's the world we live in.
>>>>Most people find their hearts after they have a child. That does not seem to be the case with you. More like the opposite. You used to be a nice guy. What is it you're so pissed off about?
>>>>>LOL @ calling Obamacare anything more than an embarrassment. You're not the least bit put off at the execution?
>>>>>>Well Done Mr. President!!
>>>>>>For all of you who hate President Obama for no good reason...
>>>>>>Lets see...
>>>>>>[] He wanted to reform student loans - check.
>>>>>>[] He wanted health care reform -check.
>>>>>>[] Prevented a global great depression - check.
>>>>>>[] He said he would get bin Laden - check.
>>>>>>[] He wanted Gaddafi - check.
>>>>>>[] Al Qaeda marginalized - check.
>>>>>>[] DADT - check.
>>>>>>[] And now the end of this huge Bush mistake - check!
>>>>>>And virtually every single one of these accomplishments has been done in the face of a GOP unified opposition committed to one goal - preventing our President from doing what huge majorities in this country want him to do. Rush and McConnell are both on record multiple times declaring that their one goal is to make sure this president fails.
>>>>>>60-75% of Americans support the Dem jobs bills, yet 100% of GOP Senators voted no. Who are they representing besides Wall Street hedge fund billionaires? The GOP has become the party of economic treason. Deliberately trying to make the economy bad for political gains. Shame on them.
>>>>>>Congratulations to our President for rising above it all and remaining steadfast to his core values and convictions. You have my vote again.

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